Chapter One

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Promise. The word runs through my mind. I had a promise to keep. My heart aches as I think about it. The tears welled up in my eyes and I quickly shook them away. There was no reason to cry. Just stay strong. I have to stay strong. It suddenly got very cold to the point I realized I was outside. The trees have no green. Why I am out here? It's the dead of winter. My body starts to go numb from the cold. Sadness became ice, frozen inside me. Wrapping chains on my heart, ice cold steel chains. The wind rushed through me, the bitter cold wind, making me shiver ever so roughly. The cold also making me sleepy. My eyes became slits and I would pass out every second or two. But it was so cold that I had to stay awake. Stay strong, I say to myself. I try to stand the tree behind me supporting me. A rustle came from the bunch of dead, leafless, snow covered bushes that were in front of me. Unarmed, I became frightened. Two gold eyes shown through the brown branches and white snow. I stood there, rooted to the ground as if I myself had become a tree. Slowly, the animal came from its hiding place. A large white wolf. It just kept staring directly into my eyes. Like peering into my soul. Stay strong, I thought to myself once again.
"W-w-what d-d-o-o y-y-you-ou w-w-want?" My lips were badly chapped and numb. My voice barely audible because of the dire cold. Of course it can't talk, so I don't know why I asked it that question. The cold was making it so hard to stay awake so, I began to walk to the right. My joints aching in response to my harsh movement. I had to get away from that wolf. Looking behind me, I noticed him following me. Trotting with those big paws of his. Why doesn't it attack me? My vision became blurry as I try to keep going. I kept chanting in my head that I have to stay strong, over and over again with those words. Everything started to fade in and out of darkness. No! Come on! I can't give out now! My movement slowed. Collapsing in the soft dire cold snow, my vision failed. I could not feel anything. Numb. Just numb. And cold. Am I dead? No, I can't be. I just can't be. I try and try to wake up but can't. Just cold, numbness, and pitch black darkness. I want color and warmth and feeling. Not this. I don't want to die. Yet, it seems Death already made it's decision to take me. It felt like forever in the darkness. I don't know if I am dead or just passed out from the cold. Either way, I must stay strong. Giving all my might to wake up and nothing happens.
Until...extreme heat washes over me. Like a huge fire or blanket. My numbness starts to slowly fade away as my body warms up. Still in darkness though. It also felt like forever to warm up.
When I felt so warm, the cold disappeared and I regain feeling. My eyes slowly open and I see color again. But not a lot of color. More like gray and white. But yellow from the sunlight towards the opening of what seemed like an entrance to a cave. I sat up and lying beside me....yellow eyes gleamed at me. I reach out and it's massive head moved towards me letting me pet it.
"Thank you." A huff came from the wolf's nose. It's eyes look into my eyes with a loving look. I smile sweetly at the wolf.
"I have to get going. I have to make my way back. I don't even remember how I got here." My joints ached a little as I slowly stand up. I stretch, cracking a lot of places. The wolf whined.
"I guess you can come with." Looking out towards the opening, I realize I am not wearing the proper attire to make the journey.
I sigh and the wolf grunts. Looking back at him, I shook my head. I shiver a little, sitting back down.
"I don't have the proper clothes. It's cold. I don't even know why I am talking to you because you can't understand me."
The wolf made a bark and went deeper into the cave. Alone again. A deep sigh evaded my mouth. A soft bark came from behind me. Standing, I face him. Fur lay in front of him. Even fur boots. I bent to pick of these strange objects. They look like old Native attire. There was even a deer skin dress.
"Are these....?" The wolf whined and I realize it was looking at something on the wall. Making my way over there. I see a drawing. A wolf and....a Native girl. Drawn with charcoal. It was beautifully drawn too. Backing away, I ran deeper into the cave to find where the wolf had gotten the clothing. I gasped and jumped back. There in the sunlight that was coming from a hole above was a...skeleton. I fell to my knees and retched. She was....his owner...his master....then why me?....The wolf made a soft bark tugging at my shirt with his teeth. I nodded and made my way back to the clothing. I picked them up. The wolf's ears twitched and he trotted outside. I slipped my clothing off. Shivering a little. Slipping on the dress and the fur thingy. It seemed like a coat that just wraps around you. It was so warm. As I exchanged my shoes for the fur boots, I heard a howl outside. Rushing out of the cave, I searched for him.
"Hey! Where did you go?!" I couldn't call his name because I didn't know it. A soft bark came from a tall stone. Looking up, I see him. He bounded down to me and realize he is wearing a leather necklace. He sat in front of me and touched the necklace. A word was stitched onto it.
"Ki...yi...ya....Kiyiya?" I looked into his eyes and he licked my face. I giggled and ruffled his ears.
"So that's your name? I love it." Kissing his nose, I blushed.
"Sorry." He blinked and leaned into me as if to hug me. Embracing him, I felt so warm.
But the moment was interrupted by someone calling my name.
"Alia!!! Where are you?" That voice...I instantly recognized it and my heart gave a sharp pain. The wolf growled.
"No, Kiyiya. Please....don't." He stayed put and out from behind the rock, the owner of the voice appeared.
"Alia...there you are. I'm so..." He froze as Kiyiya turned to face him.
"Roick....this is Kiyiya. He saved me." Roick's face became angry.
"A wolf saved you. I've been looking for you for three days. Ever since the day you ran off to this damn forest. This isn't acceptable." He pulled out his knife.
"Roick! No! Please!" Kiyiya growled and howled towards him. The sound of the mighty howl....knocked Roick backward. The knife flew out of his hand and into the snow. Roick went flying and hit a tree with a loud thud. He slid to the ground, grunting with pain. Kiyiya advanced on him, stalking as if he was prey.
"Kiyiya...." I fell to my knees. Kiyiya was really going to kill Roick...I didn't know what to feel at this point. Kiyiya lunged at Roick, teeth bared. Tearing at him, shaking him around like a rag doll. My body made no response to the screams of running in my head. My eyes saw terrified relieved shocked made me....content. All of these feelings rushed through me. Content was the weirdest feeling. I thought I loved Roick. My heart that was once locked with chains of pain and bitter cold sadness unlocked and disintegrated into nothing. I was free from this sadness. And now content.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2016 ⏰

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