introduction continued

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He was not a ruler who had a large retinue of servants, nor was he one who would
come before his people wearing a crown, an expensive robe and priceless jewels. His
wealth was vast but it was of the spiritual and not the material kind.
He was neither a confused poet, nor a misguided philosopher nor an imaginative
writer. Instead, he was the seal of all the prophets, the only man who reached lotetree(sidratil muntaha), the farthest part any human or any angel for that matter has
ever reached.
The prophet is so high in the sight of Allah that the Almighty considers obedience to
the prophet to be obedience to Him.
The mention of his name is considered a blessing. If this is the case, would it not be
lovely in the sight of Allah to celebrate and eulogize His most beloved servant and
friend? As I said earlier, I am not going to force this upon anyone, but will invite
readers to join me as we examine the life and times of the Holy Prophet and draw our
conclusion as to whether he should be celebrated through the observance of Maulid
Nabiyy or not.
The first chapter is a thorough examination of the life and times of the prophet.
Which is to familiarize readers with the kind of person prophet Muhammad was, in
order to fully understand him and draw inferences.
Chapter 2 talks about the reasons why Maulid Nabiyy should be celebrated, with
references from the Holy Qur'an and Hadith. And also from the sayings of different
scholars of thought about Maulid Nabiyy.
The last chapter is about how Maulid Nabiyy should be celebrated according to the
laws of Allah and Sunnah of the Holy prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
Allah the exalted said:-
(Indeed in the messenger of Allah, You are a good example to follow…) (As shuaarai:
Let us take a look at the prophet's life and learn a lot as we swim in his ocean of vast
spiritual ambience…

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