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'It's already 6:30', you thought to yourself as you checked your watch that was a gift from your boyfriend of 2 years. 'Where could he possibly be?'

You and Vernon had started dating after you met at a fansign. The two of you had instantly connected, and you were thrilled when you realized he had signed your poster with his number. It was hard dating an idol, but all the hardships the two of you endured in your relationship made it stronger in the end. The two of you were now living together in an apartment in Korea. You often leaned on each other for support, and that's why you were not surprised when Vernon came to you earlier in the week to ask for advice. He admitted he hadn't been feeling all that confident in himself lately, so he had decided that he wanted to get some cosmetic surgery done.

When he told you this, you were totally shocked. To you, Vernon was the handsomest man alive, and you didn't understand how he couldn't see himself the way you saw him. However, you also understood that him loving himself was most important. You had no problem with him going through with the procedure, if that was what he really wanted.

This morning when he left for his surgery, he told you not to worry and that he would be home before you got back from work. "I'll still be the same old Vernon on the inside!" he told you with a big grin on his face as he went out the door.

Well, you had been off work for 2 hours now, and he still wasn't home. 'Where could he be?' you thought to yourself as you gazed out the window. The procedure wasn't supposed to take that long-he was only getting a small amount of work done on his nose and lips.

The sound of the front door unlocking jerked you out of your thoughts. "Vernon, is that you?" you called as you rushed to the door. There was no answer as the man removed his coat at the front door, but the man in front of you was definitely Vernon. You could tell from his profile that his nose was slightly thinner, but yes, it was him.

"I'm so glad you're back!" you said gleefully as you approached him. "I was so worried-" Your words were cut off when Vernon turned to face you. The face in front of you was familiar yet foreign all at the same time.

That's when you noticed his mouth.

Instead of lips, a wide, orange beak sprouted from where his mouth would normally be. "V-Vernon..." you managed to stutter. "W-What is going on?"

"Noot noot," was all he said.

Changes {Vernon x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now