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Regal Prophecy is an original work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

I've spent quite a deal of time writing and re-writing this novel. I would appreciate being notified of extremely similar plots/names/scenes so the situation will be dealt with.

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Copyright © 2013 by Elle Ann // winchesterisms // previously wyldwood


I was at the town fair, and tears pricked my eyes. For the thousandth time, I turned, looked, and pushed my way through the crowd.

The once beautiful colours of the fair of bright yellow, blue, and red that made me happy before now made me feel really dizzy. It was my mother that I was looking for, but I couldn't seem to find her. I can't find her pretty light brown eyes and really dark hair. I've been searching for so long now, but I still couldn't find the familiar yellow summer dress that I loved seeing her wear.

She wasn't my real mom, and my dad wasn't my real dad either. But I love them a lot. So much that people believed they were my real ones.

My adventure to look for her began. Again, but to no avail. You see, we were at the cotton candy stand, and I saw this really cute dog! So cute that I wanted to cuddle it in my arms. I ran towards it and it moved farther and farther away until it was nowhere to be seen. I turned around and I found myself in an unfamiliar part of the fair. For some reason, I ended up in front of the fun house and the house of mirrors; probably far far away from the cotton candy stand.

There were people laughing and many smiling, and I was just there feeling very sad and really scared.

I was alone. The realisation scared me.

To the right of the fair was a forest and an odd man stood there. He saw me and started walking towards my direction. He was really tall with white hair, and had this scary look on his face. He had a long scar on the right side of his face, evidently pinkish in colour and his long white hair covered most of it. I looked around, and people didn't seem to see him.

Judging people is never ever good, my mother told me that, so I thought that maybe, he was just lonely like me and wanted someone to talk to.

But I know that I'm not allowed to talk to him. He's a stranger, and mom always told me not to talk to strangers, since there are a lot of bad guys around.

Before I could even run, he was already in front of me. I didn't even know how he got here so fast. I couldn't run away without being caught.

What if he wasn't a bad guy? What if he just wanted to help me find my mom?

"Adamaris, come with me," he said. I wondered how he knew my name. I didn't give him that. I never ever did.

That's when I was sure he was a bad guy. I know so, even if I didn't have any proof. My hands were shaking, and I wished I never ever ran after the cute dog. I would have been with my mom now, and she would keep me away from this scary man, or maybe I wouldn't have seen him at all.

He moved closer, and tried to grab my wrist. But he wasn't able to, since a boy, who seemed to be my age, came from the direction behind me and helped me. He pulled me away from the bad guy, and we ran. I looked back and saw that the man was still after us and my heart raced.

The boy ran even faster and I struggled trying to keep up with his pace. We went through the sea of people to blend in with the crowd and we ran and ran further away until we were both out of breath.

All I could think of though, was that he saved me. He was my hero, my very own superman!

"Hi, I'm Adamaris," I told the boy politely when I couldn't see the bad guy anymore.

He smiled, and I smiled too. The boy was like no other boy I've seen before, and he had twinkling green eyes. Other than that, his hair was dark green! It was green!

"I am Maze," the boy introduced. We shook hands because adults did that every time they met someone new.

"That's a great name," I exclaimed suddenly. I never met anyone named Maze before. It was unique.

"Your name is really nice too, you know. It's just like you," Maze told me, and I smiled even bigger, if it was possible.

Nobody really complimented me. It was mostly my mom and dad. So when he did, I became really happy. I just knew he would make me happy.

"Thank you for saving me," I said when I felt as if he was going to leave.

"It's no problem."

"But I'm scared that he'll come back for me." I flinched, remembering the man approaching me earlier.

"He won't, because I won't let him. I'll always protect you."

"You promise?"

"I promise," he said. I smiled at him. We were going to be great friends, I just knew it.

He gave me a tight smile. "You'll never be scared again. No one will hurt you," he whispered to me, "Believe me because I will never lie to you."

I felt very warm when he said those words. It was the feeling when I ate my bite-sized Oreos while watching my favourite movies in my room - it felt like I was home.

"Can you help me find my mom? I'm kind of lost..." I meekly asked.

The boy gave me a cheeky smile. "Of course."

Maze promised that nobody would hurt me, and that the bad guys wouldn't come back, because he would protect me.

He'll always be there, and he'll never leave me.

I believed him.

I believed his promises.

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