The Solider and the Settler

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The worst day of my life started around the time i got my door busted down by the Goverment. It all started a little something like this.

I woke in the morning with a strange pain thats always occuring on my back i can't semm to figure out why its there though. As i rised out of my torn pest infected mattress i felt something suspicous was going about outside so i thought to myself "it would be smart to bring something to keep me alive and it surely isnt going to be food". So i brought my gun its an oldd rusted up piece of scrap some might say but i think this has gotten me out of more messes then i could imagine. as i opened the door to the post apocalyptic wasteland we few people that still live call home i saw something out of the corner of my eye that made the hairs on the back of my neck freeze like ice, it was tall and walked on two legs it was holding something like a ceane or a rifle it had dirt on its face and from the way i see it, it was running to me like it was trying to get to me, to tell me somehting, or to eat me which is most likely going to happen in a scnerio like this,but as it got closer its image was clearer. Something hen just raced though my mind screaming im not thee only one left. I was scared at first but as it came to me i saw was a human a real live human i as surprised and anxious to get him to tell me were salvation is," but not all stories go out right" i thought as i pulled my gun out of its quiver shaking in my hands that are cold with fear and anxisiaty "he could be a mirage or a Looter trying to take my life and everything else with it so he could make a quick dollar" i said to myself but he was no looter he was sprinting he was running from something, something terrifiying as he was three feet a away i shouted " hey over here!" just as he shot a surprised but terrifiying look at me he curved sharp right and slammed me into my rusted sheet metal house slamming and locking the door so no one got in. i riased my gun and was about to fire " hey" he said "put the glock down i ont need anymore injuries or an enemy at the trouble im in. "who the hell are you and what trouble brought you to my humble but....horrile house?" He wiped the sweat off his face and put down a rifle he had. "im in deep with raiders they...took my family and murdered my parents for fun i was there sitting helplessly they.. they forced me to wacth them hunt them down like dogs. the man was sad but i saw no tears and no emotions but the tone of his voice told me something that this man can be trusted. "Look im sorry about your loss but you still havnt ansewered my questions about why your here" i said. He looked back at me with so much sincerity i looked away for a second."i killed two of thier men, the bastards saw my in a split second, lost my knife killing 'em" I leaned in closer to show i was paying attetion and gave some eye contact to show him that he should finish. " they got very mad they called out some of their men on on motorbikes and went after me i hicthed a ride on a passing raider train and got a few miles til i was noticed and was being shot at me the conducter with an assualt rifle, well then i jumped off then ran into here i know ther about 50 miles back but they'll be here soon we've got to leave im a solider from the Govermental Saftey Corps. "those assholes?!" i was surprised and angry.... the GSC is a Goverment that destroyed us like this now they have their fancy exoskeleton armor and there lazer rifles and hell... even all the booze off the shevels, they experimented on radioactive waste and bigger bombs than a house they killed people becuase they thought we were "tainted" and killed or captured and experimented on us i was lucky bcause im more of a settler and im only 16 and i dont even have naem which got them to not notice me thank god....the whole entire time i was thinking i hadnt notcied thaat its been an hour and he's gone into the kicthen to make something and i just said i got eggs and whiskey...all i heard was a bottle break and a bad feeling that he drunk the whiskey.....its gonna be a looong day" he said

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