A Spark Of Hope

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It is just a Spark 

But it's enough to keep you going 

I know it's just a Spark 

But it's enough to keep you marching

Enough to ignite the fire

Inside your soul which is burning bright

It is just a Spark 

But it's enough to set a great forest on fire tonight 

It maybe just a Spark 

But believe it to be your own souls twilight 

It is your own Spark

Which keeps you burning in the tedious light....


Hey, guys its so nice to meet yall again with my fresh book "A Spark Of Hope" I hope you enjoyed the first poem and I hope that I will get more support from yall through this book.Enjoy reading my fresh book....

Please share your comments below and give me more ideas of how I should be working on this book. Tell me what you want in this book what sort of poems would you like to read in my new book. I will try my best to fulfil your wishes through my new book comment below and I'll write a new poem and will dedicate the poem for you!

Till then HAPPY READING!!! luv u guys xx!!

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