IMGT Cheatsheet

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7 trends:

disintegrating borders,

growing cross-border trade & investment

rise of global products and global customers


new competitors in the world market

rise of global standards of quality and production

Internet and IT

WTF is Hofstede?

PD: expectations regarding equality among people

UA: typical reactions to dangerous situations

ID/CLTV: relationship btw individual and the group in the society

Masculinity/Femininity: expectations regarding gender roles

LTO: basic orientation toward time

Hofstede application:


mgt selection, (educational achievement/social class; elite education)

training, (For autonomy/for conformity)

eval & promo, (Performance/Compliance)

remuneration (Small wage differences/Large wage diff)

-leadership styles (Participative; less direct supervision/Theory X; authoritarian, close supervision)

-motivational assumptions (Ppl likework; extrinsic and intrinsic rewards/ppl dislike work)

-decision making & org design (Decentralized; flat pyramids/Tall pyramids; more supervisors)

-strategy (Varied/Crafted to support the power elite or govt)

Individualistic culture:

-Ppl are responsible for themselves

-Individual achievement is ideal.

-Ppl need not be emotionally dependent on organizations or groups

Collectivist culture:

-One's identity is based on group membership

-Group decision making is best.

-Groups protect individuals in exchange for their loyalty to the group.

Value-chain: all the activities that the firms uses to design, produce, market, deliver, and support its product.

Upstream: early activties (RD, suppliers...) Downstream: later value chain activities (sales, distrib channel)

Negotiation steps: preparation, building the relationship, exchangeing info-first offer, persuasion, concessions, agrement, and post agreement

Chapter 5 keypoints:

Multidomestic strategy: top priority goes to local responsiveness (respond to diffs in the market in all operating countries)

In essence, is a differentiation approach.

Transnational strategy: 2 top priorities: seeking location advantages (dispersing value-chain around the world where they can do it best)

gaining economic efficiencies from operating worldwide

--> views any country as a global platform (location when a firm can best perform some, but not necessarily all of its value-chain activities)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2008 ⏰

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