A Rose For Ivy (COMING SOON)

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Hi guys!! ^_^ Er, this is Val again!! And Berny!! Sup? Well, we're writing a new book... :P Hope ya like it,


I tucked her hair behind her ears and hugged her. Both our tears soaking in each others shirts. 

"I'm so sorry, Drakey." She whispered as she pulled back from the hug. 

I smiled at the nickname she gave me a long time ago. But it quickly dropped because of the sound of her mom's car's honking for afar.

I can't believe she has to go. 

I quickly pulled her into one last hug and whispered into her ear;

"It's not your fault, Ivyboo. I-i just can't believe that, after all we've been through, you're gonna have to go." I said as my voice cracked at the end. I hated this feeling. I hated this situation. I hated that she had to leave. I hated that this might be the last time I'll see her. My best friend.

She pulled back again and as her mom's honking got louder.

"Well, I guess I gotta go now, Drakey." She teased, but there was a hint of a sad smile on her lips as she started to walk backwards.

I smiled. "Yeah, Bye Ivy." I said, casting a small wave in her direction.

But, as she was just about to turn and run, I called out her name; "Wait. Ivy!!" I shouted running up to her and plucked the small, soft and delicate object out of the grass.

She quickly turned around with a confused look in her eyes as they scanned my face and then finally settled on the object on my outstretched palm. She gasped as her eyes widened with wonder at the sight of the newly bloomed red rose

Her wondrous eyes were suddenly cut off by her mom's voice shouting her name. She ran up to me and said breathlessly; "I-is that for me?" She pointed to the rose.

I blushed and bit my lip. I stepped closer to her and tucked the rose behind her ear. And as I stepped back, I saw her flushed face and chuckled; Ivy wasn't the cheesy type, which was also one of our very few differences.


To my utter suprise, she stepped forward and pulled out her favorite golden locket. My eyes widened but  didn't have time to refuse as she quickly clasped the locket around my neck. As she stepped back, her cheecks were even redder than before. 



We both turned to the sound of her mom's voice as Ivy motioned her hand signaling; wait.

"Drake. Promise me something" She said, her blue ones searching mine for any signs of rejection.

"Okay." I breathed out, startled with the amount of sincerity in my best friend's eyes. Like I said, Ivy wasn't the cheesy type.


She smiled sadly at me. "Promise me, you won't forget me.." She held out her pinky finger.

I grinned at her and then hooked her finger with mine. "I won't forget you. Pinky promise." 

We stared at each other for a second before bursting into giggles. 

"Gosh, that was too cheesy for me." Emily managed to choke through her giggles. But then, her expression turned sad and her eyes turned watery again.

"As long as you promise me something too.. " 

She looked up at me, confused. 

"I, Drake Ethan Winters, promise to meet you, Evangeline Faye Hartley, here, in our favorite willow tree, ten years from now. I promise to wait for you, forever."

Her eyes glistened with tears as she repeated. "I, Evangeline Faye Hartley, promise to meet you, Drake Ethan Winters, here, in our favorite willow tree, ten years from now. I promise to wait for you, forever."

We hugged for the last time, as we heard her mom's shouting become louder for Ivy to come. 

But this time, I let her go.


Months after they separated ways, he asked her if he's ever crossed her mind.. She replied with "You never left it."



She asked him of he still loved her. He replied with "I never stopped."



This story is wrote JUST FOR FUN. So it might or might not be overly cliche, so please bear with me. :\ I just wrote it for fun. ^_^




Hi. That's really all I have to say, so, IfYouLikedThisProlougeWellThen...


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2013 ⏰

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