Part 1

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"AND CUT THAT IS A WRAP" the director screamed 

"oh my gosh Jessica that was just wow I know we where supposed to make it sexy but damn girl" Jay chuckled causing Jessica to blush

"it wasn't anything special" she giggled

"oh it was more than special" he whispered under his breath

"what was that" Jessica asked suddenly serious all over again

"oh nothing just talking to myself" Jay said trying to hide it in all fairness Jay had a major crush on Jessica but he knew he had no chance with her because she was so much old then he and he knew if she truly cared about him she wouldn't want people seeing him as her boy toy but in honesty he wouldn't care as long as he was with her he was happy

Jessica too felt strong feelings for Jay but she knew the press would have a hay day with them so she kept to herself and plus what would a kid his age want with an old emotionally unbalance old lady but little did she know he had the same feeling as she did about him


"oh Jessica" Shirley said

"oh Shirley" Jessica mocked 

"haha very funny" Shirley said lightly smacking her on the arm"well any who we are going out for supper and Jay will be there" Shirley said lightly nudging her

"you are starting to sound like my friend Sarah the twenty some year old " Jessica giggled "and what does Jay being there have to do with me going or not going"

"one I twenty something at heart forever and always and I know that you Know that I know you like Jay" Shirley giggled

"oh shut up I do not"Jessica blushed

"sure and we all know Jay has the hots for you " Shirley said as she walked away to her hotel room they where staying at the hotel they where filming at everyone except for Jessica she was staying at a cabin 15 minutes away from the hotel she preferred cabins over anything when it came to staying somewhere because they always felt homey to her 


when she made it to the cabin she quickly ran upstairs into the main bedroom and ran towards the bathroom she needed to take a bath so she ran the water and slowly stripped her clothes when she was fully naked she looked in the fool length mirror she was trying to look for thing she thought Jay would like but all she kept see where her flaws or at least what she thought was flaws but to jay when he saw everyday whether that was fully clothed, with a robe on, or a simple sheet covering her body all he could see was perfection but Jessica didn't know that all she saw was a simple old lady who was way out of her league so she put the thoughts to the back of her head and slowly relaxed into the bath but she couldn't get him of her mind she tried everything but she couldn't


at Jays hotel room 

he decided to take shower because he knew Jessica was going to be there and he wanted to look his best for her so he stripped and hoped in the shower as he washed himself he couldn't get Jess out of his head  he couldn't figure out what he was so attracted to all he knew was she was very alluring like he knew she had another side to her happy exterior there was this mysterious side to her he want to explore but he was to afraid to say anything to her other then their scenes


Jess was out of the bath and now had the hard decision on what to wear she want to wear something that showed off all her curves and in just the right places she went into her closet and picked out this grey granite type dress she loved that dress because it wrapped around the front right in between her breast giving this look that made it even better if she was trying to get Jay to notice her and she was then she picked out a pair of black stilettos once she had her outfit she went to the bathroom to do her hair and makeup she blow dried her hair first then she curled it slightly she always liked the way her hair looked when it was wavy or curly unlike her usual straight hair then when her hair was down she applied a nude make up 

"Damn you are going to turn heads" she said to herself taking one last glance in the mirror  then walking out the door to her car after looking the door to her cabin and heading to the restaurant of their choice  


Jay was drying off after his shower and walked out to the closet space in the hotel room he was renting he picked out a nice pair of dark jeans then a nice grey button up that was a full sleeve shirt them he combed threw his hair one last time and headed out of the hotel to his car 


at the restaurant Shirley made sure to save to open spots next to each other since Jessica and Jay where the last one to show up but when they pulled up the pulled up at the same time and decided to walk in together neither of them realizing they where matching 

when they walked up to the table they got some questioning looks because they arrived at the same time and their outfits for the night where matching they looked at all the co-stars with questioning looks in return then they realized what was going on causing Jessica to blush and Jay stepping in to save her 

"um this was not planned  I swear " he chuckled giving Jessica's hand a gentle kiss causing her to blush more then she realized what Shirley did and she knew she did it on purpose I'm she has been friend with Sarah Paulson for years and this was her in a nut shell just in a women 4 time her age 

they sat down to eat Jessica in between Shirley and Jay they ordered and went on to their own conversations

"You You did this on purpose" Jessica blamed pointing a finger at her friend then to Jay who was in a conversation about politics with Bill

"why I don't know what your talking about" Shirley played dumb

"oh you know good and plenty" Jessica scoffed

"Don't complain" Shirley added before she left that conversation and started talking to demi


as the night progressed the cast of  Wild Oats where getting to the point in the night where they ended up at bar everyone but Shirley and Bill they both went back to the hotel complaining about being to old for this buffoonery but Jay and Jessica where becoming drunk by the second and Jessica was starting to open up to him when she was drunk her protective wall fell down

"did I tell you how beautiful you are tonight" Jay slurred

"yes like fifty times and I still don't believe you" Jessica giggles while slurring her words the alcohol starting to get to her head

"so what is a sexy man like you doing single" Jessica giggled

"well I'm waiting for this pretty lady I know to show me if she likes me as much as I like her" He replied sobering up a bit " but the same could go for you ma lady what is a sexy, beautiful and talent young lady like yourself doing single"

"well aren't you good with words and anyway my answer is like yours I'm waiting for a special someone to tell me if they care about me the way I care about them so you know mushy shit" she giggled the last part

"Oh I don't think it is mushy shit I think I is sweet" he said leaning in so close that their lips where almost touching and the other could feel their others breath on their skin with out a second thought Jessica seductively whispered

"Kiss me " and with a beat Jay enveloped her lips in his Jessica deepened the kiss by running her tongue over his top lip asking for entrance he gratefully opened his mouth for her to have more access to his wanting mouth when they pulled away Jessica looked at him with a fire of lust and desire in her eyes and she moved in closed to his ear and purred like a kitten  "Take me home big boy" and closed off her sentence by biting his earlobe  "yes ma'am" he purred back picking her up bridal style and carrying her outside to a taxi and off to Jessica's cabin neither of them knew what the night had in store but both of them knew they didn't want the night to stop they where bot finally getting their wish the others company.............

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