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Hey pack mates this is Puppygirl426 and I am starting this new story and there are more to come. I will be adding to my Billdip soon. School is starting soon and I've been busy with work as well. Let me know some of the ships you guys would like me to write about I'm an anime otaku, Billdip, Tomco and so on and so forth.


No One's POV

"Okay Harry enough!" Ron yelled. "What are you taking about?" Harry asked. "Did you honestly think that we wouldn't notice that you have been sneaking around." Hermoine said. Harry looked down. "Alright I'll tell but you guys can't tell anyone else about this because only the teachers and Professor Dumbledore know." Harry said with a serious tone. "What is it? You know we won't tell a soul." Hermoine pressed.

Harry bit his lip. "Reveal what's been hid, my true self I'll show, so uncover the lid, so my friends can know, the secret that lies within" Harry muttered the spell. Soon a bright light shined around Harry. When Ron and Hermoine were able to see again they gasped in shock. Harry had cat ears and a cat tail, his pupils had even turned into slits.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!!" Ron yelled. Harry's cat ears flatted on his head from the sudden loud noise that came from his friend. "Ow" Ron said after Hermoine had hit him. "Harry what's going on?" Hermoine asked. "Well, my mom was a normal wizard with muggle parents but my father had some magical creature DNA and that transferred to me." Harry answered. "Why didn't you tell us." Hermoine asked.

"Because wizard Nekos don't get their cat features till they come in contact with their mate or when they turn 13." Dumbledore answered. "Professor Dumbledore what are you doing here?" Hermoine asked. "Well when Harry first arrived here I already knew of his genetics and asked Hagrid to check and put the concealing spell on Harry if he showed any signs of being a Neko." Dumbledore answered.

"Wait, I thought Hagrid couldn't preform magic anymore." Ron said confused. "He can, he just doesn't have a wand and he can only preform simple spells." Harry answered. "So who's Harry's mate?" Hermoine asked. "Unfortunately we don't know." Dumbledore answered. "What do you mean you don't know." Ron pressed. "Well, I came in contact with a lot of people when I first came here that my Neko senses could straighten out because I was still so young and I wasn't taught how to control them." Harry answered.

"And his features didn't pop out until he entered Griffindor tower." Dumbledore said. "Wait, is it one of us?!" Ron asked sounding terrified. "Haha no Ron I would have told you guys if either of you were my mate." Harry answered. "And how would the bloody hell would you know?!" Ron yelled. Once again Harry's ears flatten on his head at the sudden loud noise.

"Because his Neko instincts would have taken over and Harry would have tried to get you to-" "Alright I get." Ron interrupted. "Sorry Professor that was rude of me." Ron apologized.

"Yes well anyway, as I was saying, when Harry gets close to his mate he will have a tingly sensation that will either make him really itchy or his features will appear. Hopefully the first comes before the later." Dumbledore rolled his eyes and prayed for itching instead of..... well you can guess. "We need your guy's help. If Harry becomes overly itchy or pops cat ears look around and note everyone within a 5 foot distance. Can you handle it?"

"Yes professor!" Hermoine smiled, a small blush stained her cheeks. She was visibly happy to do a task asked from Dumbledore himself.

"Yes sir." Ron replied, upset about basically babysitting Harry.

"Thank you I knew I could count on two and please report your findings directly to Professor McGonagall." Dumbledore said. "Of course professor." Hermoine replied. "Thank you guys." Harry said as he hugged his friends. "No problem mate besides what's the worst could happen?" Ron said. 

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