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I am excited to go back to Hogwarts for my last year but I am sad because I will miss it oh I forgot my name is Samantha Blackrose (Sam/Sammy) I have green eyes and brownish blonde hair and I am in Slytherin and I have a huge crush on professor Snape no one knows so I went to bed I have to catch the Hogwarts train tomorrow. I woke up to loud annoying beeping I realize it was my alarm clock so I got up and had a shower and got dressed and went down to get something to eat before I leave and I saw my parents sitting at the table talking and waiting for me. My mom saw me I put my finger on my mouth to show her to keep quiet she did so I snuck up behind my dad and scared him half to death it was funny he sounds like a girl. We ate peacefully and talk my parents made me promise to write them. We went to the train station and went through nine third fourth and I saw the Weasley's who I was friends with from childhood so I snuck up behind Ron and scared him and everyone laughed even my parents we talked for a bit before we went aboard the train waving to our families and Ron saw hermione and Harry and went with them into a compartment I chuckled a little and said hi to the both of them since I am close to both of them and went to find a empty one to sit. A few minutes later Draco Malfoy showed up with his goons and we talked the whole way. When we got there we sat in our houses and the first years were in each house we were eating my friend angel and pepper were talking about the summer break them pepper said hey Sam professor Snape is looking at you again then she and angel were giggling while I spit out some of the pumpkin juice and looked in his direction and he looked away blushing a little then I looked away blushing a little and said shut up guys while they were full on laughing. After dinner we went to our dorms for the night. Next morning we got up and went to the great hall to eat when Draco came over to talk, after breakfast we went to class we all had the exact same thing first is dada then charms then transfiguration then my most favourite class potions because of professor Snape. I was extremely late for potions class because I was kept back by some bullies who loves to pick on me and now I got detention with professor Snape after dinner. The bell rang at the end of class so we left when we got to the great hall pepper and angel asked why I was late for potions and I told them and I guess professor Snape heard when he walked by and he seamed pissed, after dinner I went to potions for my detention and when I got there I got scared by professor Snape just came out of nowhere and what shocked me the most was he kissed me on my lips I yelped and kissed back for a few minutes until we pulled apart for air and we smiled then he said I love you so much and you are my best student and you are mine sweet heart and kissed you again and then moved away and said again every night you will come here if anyone one ask you got yourself a detention every night for the whole school year. Few weeks later after dinner Snape brought you to his room and you gave away you virginity and it felt so good it happened more than once. Two months later you were getting sick and your friends were worried so they brought you to the hospital wing after a few minutes professor dombledore showed up and told them to head to class and they listened to his and the doctor came back said that you are pregnant then left, dombledore spoke and said that you could stay until you are ready to give birth and you better tell Serverus Snape about the baby and walked away before he left the room you said how do you know that the baby's father Snape he answers I know everything my dear he'll be happy so will your parents, then she said thanks I'll tell professor Snape then write to my parents and let them know thank you for not firing professor Snape and not kicking me out, he said your welcome, then left the room and you started to think about to tell him so you thought to just come out and tell him after dinner. An hour after dinner I knew Serverus was in his positions class so I went there and I made sure no one was following me when I got there he was sitting at his desk marking papers and he doesn't even notice me until I start rubbing his shoulders he jumps in his seat then he relied its me and he noticed something was up so he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you on his lap and asked what's wrong so you told him that you were pregnant with his child and he had a shocked look on his face and then smiled and said I am going to be the father I am going to be a dad and hugged you close and you smiled and stroked his hair and after a few minutes later you said that you have to go write a letter to your parents to tell them that they were going to be grandparents and he let's you go to do that a few days later you got a letter back from your parents they were exited to be grandparents and also shocked that the father was a professor but happy for both of you and they say that they want you both married after the baby's born. You were so excited that you're parents were not upset or mad so you went to find Serverus to tell him about what they said. When you told him this he was excited, a week later he proposed and after a few months people started to see a tummy appear on you and they were happy for you that you were going to be a mother. Later that night you were moved to Serverus's room and you both were choosing  on the baby names if it's a boy his name will be Samuel Ray Snape and if it's a girl her names Sarah Rose Snape and he loved the names. It's finally the end of the school year and your ninth month of pregnancy Serverus was coming to meet your parents and stay with you and so is professor dombledore for some reason probably visiting my parents like he did a few years ago. A few days later you were in the kitchen getting some water when you felt something running down your leg then some pain and you dropped the glass and yelled out I think the baby is coming now and Serverus and your dad was beside you and your mom said keep her come and bring her to her room I'll call the doctor and professor dombledore was opening doors for you. The birth felt like hell for fourteen hours and Serverus stayed by your side without fainting because it looked like he was about to a few times and you finally gave birth to twins a boy and a girl. Few weeks after the twins were born you both were married and lived happily ever after.

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