My name is Yukina but everyone calls me Yuki, the world that we live in has many secrets. We keep a secret from all humans. I am many things. Werewolves, vampires,ghost, and more they are all really. As for me I am the princess of both heaven and hell. I am the grimmreaper a girl reaper to be exact. I am also a fox,werelwolf,vampire,angel,demon,girl grimmreaper,soulreaper, witch,tiger,snow tiger,and black panther. I am many other stuff aswell. i can turn in to all of these. My job here on the world of the living is to soon tell everyone about us. There are many others like us. When im in a battle with monsters I try to fight away from humans. I only visit the humans eho either know about us or believe in us. I am still looking for a master i must find a male master.I promise to always keep you safe and protect you.
Chapter 1
When we first met.
Yuki's p.o.v
"Dammit how can anyone find their way in this town ever worse its rainning." i started getting annoyed. I looked to see if anyone was near by good thing no one was. I jumped getting into the sky looking for the forest I jumped from the sky heading to the forest. It was like i bounced off the wall.By the time i was in the forest i started to walk home. Yes my house is in the forest Im new to this town i have no family. I am in high school. I know how to cook,clean, and more. Many guys have asked me out and i said no to all of them because I'm able to look into their soul non of them has what it takes to have me. I have a a pet wolf her name is Crystal. "Hey Crystal, Im gonna go take a shower." i started walking to the bathroom as I took off my school uniform i took off my bra. "God damn it! These are too damn small." i sighed."Just what i need from a double D to a even bigger size. Why me!!" i finished undressing and turned the water on and got in. "Oh god this feels good." i started to wash my hair and wash my body. When i was done with that i turned off the water and got a towel and dryed off. Then i put some shorts and a tanktop on and went to my room to do my homework. I was so thankful i was smart.
In five minutes i was done. "They really think thats hard thats to easy." I put on a sweatshirt on and my shoes i was still wearing my jean shorts. "Hey Crystal im gonna go get something to eat okay."i walked out the house walking into town. I looked up at the stars and smiled when i looked to see my favorite place to eat instead i saw a boy running at me. Next thing i no im on the ground with him ON TOP OF ME!!!!!!! "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM GET THE HELL OFF ME I DONT EVEN NO YOU DAMMIT!!!" i said getting pissed off.
"Please you have to help me they're coming for me!" the boy cried out for help for me. I looked deep inside his eyes and saw his soul he was the one for me. I was shoked when that happened then i finally went to my normal self and thought"no it cant be" I kept thinking that. A group of guys came and said to me grabbing my sweatshirt saying"Where is he!"i kept my eyes close"come on tell me you little BITCH!!" thats what got me. "Bitch,bitch so thats what i am huh i guess you dont no what or who your messing with now" I smirked as my eyes changed from blue to dark blood red. "I'LL SHOW YOU TO CALL ME A BITCH AGAIN!!" I said with a evil smile. I grabbed his arm throwing him to the light post making him fall to his knees. "You still want to call me a bitch boy?" i said.
The group of guys got scared and ran away. As for me my eyes turned blue again and i fell.But when i fell i didnt hit the floor something no someone caught me. But who? When i woke up I found myself with my head on the boy who came asking for help on his shoulder. He was sleeping. I got up but when i did i woke him up. "Huh..? Oh I'm sorry if I woke you up i didnt mean to. Do you want me to call your family? Oh and whats your name i never got it?" I said pretending to be someone i wasn't. "My name well my name is Shadow, I'm 17 I'm new to this town. I have no family i was looking for a place i can sleep. Do you think i can stay at your place?" he asked. "Umm i guess you can nice to meet you my name is Yukina but you can call me Yuki." I helped him up and started walking home as he followed. As we got into the woods.
The Girl Who Saved You
ParanormalA girl named Yuki saves a boy in her grade and they both have a secret to hide. Yuki has to kiss him so he becomes her master. At first they get into a few fights and slowly fall in love. Yuki and her master fight off evil monsters and spirits.