1: She's only a Kellin Quinn fan

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Eric's POV

Hmmmm? Shut up... I rub my eyes sleepily. OH FUCK. I jolt upright suddenly remembering that it was a school day, I slam my alarm clock off as I look at the time. Shit. Shit. SHIT. Im gonna get so much shit from James. I've slept through my alarm. Crap. I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet and opened it up taking out my black skinny jeans which were riped at the knees, my Pierce The Veil shirt, a black and red checkered pull on hoodie and my red combat boots. I quickly put them on and I run into my bathroom and brush my teeth. I look up at the mirror and fixes my spider bites and brushes my multi coloured hair aside with my fingertips then I turn away and runs down the stairs into my lounge room as I grab my bag and keys thats on the kitchen bench and runs to my door and opens the door and steps outside and locks my door behind me. I run off down the road. Damn it I didn't get to eat any breakfast and I didn't pack any lunch.

~•Time skip to school•~

I walked through the hallways of the school till I got to my locker I put the stuff I didn't need in it then closed the lockers door and locked it and swung my bag onto one shoulder. I continued to walk down the hallway till I saw one of my friends, I walked up to him. He looked over to me and when I reached him we bro hugged. "Yo, man you said you were gonna be here earlier" James said as we released our bro hug. "Ughhh. I kinda slept through my fuckin' alarm" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. James ruffled my hair. "It's ok bro. You just owe me now" he smirked. Greaaaaaat. This is gonna come and bite me on the ass, I sigh deeply. James starts to walk off down the hallway so I follow him with my hands in my pockets. We walk outside into the school courtyard and sit down a table underneath a big tree. I rest my head on the table as I moan, I glance up at the blue and purple haired boy.

James' POV

I watched Eric look up at me. I feel sorry for the guy. You can see the loneliness in his eyes, he needs someone important soon or he'll try to commit suicide again. "Why do I have to be here so early" he grumbled as he yawned. "Because I don't want to look like a losser who is also aloner" "why dont you ask your girlfriend Lilly to come here?" "She needs her 'beauty sleep' according to her, she's a girl what to you expect" "ughhh I DON'T KNOW CAUSE I'VE NEVER HAD ONE" Eric snapped. I hold my hands up in defense "Gezzz I'm sorry man, calm dowm your sounding like your on your man period." "Oh go fuck yourself James" I chuckle to myself.

Eric's POV

Fuck you James your such a cunt. I glare at James. Ughhh. I give up im never going to find that special one. We sat in silence for about half an hour until Lilly came up behind James and hugged him from behind.

James' POV

I turn around to see Lilly. I stand up and kiss her, oh gosh I love her so much. I pull back and hugs her tightly. I love every little thing about her, her blonde and pink hair with her bangs brushed aside with her angel bites, ear piercings and hazel eyes.


Eric's POV

Finally the bell for once I want to go to class. It would be better than watching these two suck each others faces off. I walk off to my english class, I didn't have any of my friends in this class so it was pretty boring and considering that a few of the jock were in the class with was totally fucked. I've tried to get a class transfer but apparently all of the other english classes were full. So I had to try and ignore then or just deal with it. I walks into my english class only to be greeted with 8 paper planes at me hitting me, I sighed as I walked to the back of the classroom to sit down in the back corner of the room and gets out my book and pens. I heard the teacher walked into the room with a second set of footsteps walk into the room. "Good morning class, we have a new student in this class" announced Mr Walker. It sounded like he turned to the new student, I couldn't tell cause I was looking down at my book. "Your may introduced yourself miss." I decided to look up and actually take notice to this girl although she is probably just another slut-t......OH MAI. I looked up to see the most prettiest girl I have ever seen. She had long black hair with her hair in the tradition emo side sweep, dark brown eyes almost black eyes which seemed to be lacking light but was still beautiful, a black zipped up hoodie, black torn jeans, black combat boots, choker and wore some dark eye makeup and a pale foundation and black lipstick. She had her bag lazily slung across one of her shoulders. "My name is Maxwell, just call me Max for short" she said with no emotion at all. "Your last name?" asked the teacher. "...." she didn't reply. "ok very well Max, please take a seat up the back with Eric please. ERIC!, raise ur hand." I slowly raiser my hand, she nodded at the teacher and started to walk up to the back of the classroom. Murmurs erupted throughout the room, people looked at her as she walked. Some of the jocks already started to tease her by wolf whistling at her as if to mock her. This really pissed me off. Although I would wolf whistle at her because damn in my point of view she's sexy....WAIT WHAT I MEANT BEAUTIFUL. I hear her pull her chair out and sit down, I look over at her. She takes are book, art journal and her totoro pencil case putting them on her desk, she notices me staring at her so she looks across at me from the corner of her eyes. CRAP SHE NOTICED ME STARING, what do I do shit ummmm. SMILE. I smile at her nervously, she looks taken back for a moment. I expected her to smile back but... no... nothing. No reaction whatsoever... My already shattered heart felt like it just broke more ever so slightly. What if she can hear my heart breaking, oh wait thats not possible for one to hear. What if she thinks im a freak, What if she hates my guts... I gulp slightly as a thought pops into my brain... What if she hates me?! I instantly stopped thinking as I hear her talking to herself quietly, "Shut up Aiden..." I stared at my book frozen confused as fuck, Who's Aiden? She mumbles something else but its so quiet I can't pick it up. I suddenly hear a ruff scribbling sound, I look over at Max to only see her scribbling her drawing out using her red colouring pencil, by now most of where her drawing was is now a vibrant red but I can make out a faint outline of a hand and some of someones wrist... with lines going horizontally across it's skin... Kellin Quinn's quote 'Wrists are for bracelets not cutting' is written messily at the top of the page in the left corner on an angle. I push the picture out of my mind thinking nothing of it. She's only a fan of Kellin you need to relax Eric, I sigh deeply and zone out for the rest of the lesson.

~•Timeskip to lunchtime•~

Maxwell's POV

((A/N: when Maxwell is thinking for her thoughts are just going to be normal but Aiden is going to be in bold like his name is. Technically Aiden in her thoughts still but not really he's I guess you could say apart of her imagination))

Nothing... I feel nothing but negative feelings towards this school, it's just like all the others. We got the jocks, preppy bitches, nerds, scenes and of course emos....me... I'm the only emo I know at this school so far... sure there are the scenes but... they wouldn't understand. They would only understand to a certain point, some of them just like the style and like bright fucking colours...I have SOME bright clothing but I'd never wear them outside of my house. See how I said house not home... even though I have a house it doesn't feel like a 'home'...it's been a while since I have felt like I had a 'home'. Wow that's really fuking sad Maxie. UGH AIDEN! What did I say about you talking to me when I'm at school you fucknut. Ummmm not to talk to you when we are at school? RIGHHHT! Gooood boy Aiden... Then why on fucking earth are you talking to me when I'm at school!!! Correction. When WE are at school. I sigh deeply clearly... well not clearly since I'm emotionless to others but clearly annoyed with Aiden talking to me when WE are at school. Whatever Aiden...I'll talk to you when I'm away from people because you know that sometimes I talk to you aloud not noticing that I am talking aloud... People would think I'm insane if they heard an emo teenage girl talking to themselves. Well your not talking to yourself. Umm Aiden... IM THE ONLY PERSON THAT KNOWS AND CAN HEAR YOU IDIOT!!! Oh...hahaha right. That's it I've decided to block Aiden for the rest of the day. He a really jerk sometimes. I sigh once again as I see that Eric kid approaching me. "Hey ummm Max!" Ugh this kid is so loud. I look up at him with a blank expression, "hmmm?" I hum in response as he stops next to me, turns the way he just came and started walking next to me. "You okay?" He asked with a slightly worried tone. Tch what a fucking idiot. Already worrying over someone you don't know, bad move kiddo. "Yeah I'm fine" I lie, Jezz do you really think im going to tell you fucknut. Yeah you fuckhead. AIDEN FUCK OFF!!! I snicker internally, hehe I see how it is Aiden your a fucking pussy. "Earth to Maxwell, come back to me" Eric says clicking his fingers in my face. "Oh sorry I was a bit distracted then" I reply, "oh yeah... I could tell... it's okay though cause I get distracted all of the time as well" he smiles at me which of course I ignore. "Why don't you go and run off to your little friend group Eric" I say a little bit agitated. "I will if you come with me" he said, I sigh with feeling annoyed "fine" and with that I walk with Eric to his friends.


THERE WE GOOOOO FIRST CHAPTER. Sorry for deleting the original story I just didn't like the way it was going and some of the characters so yeah. I am Milo-chan is you guys didn't already know, for the people that read the original 'The Scars" I think and hope you will like this one more so yeah enjoy

Follow me plzzzzz and like story or whatever so yeah... MILO-CHAN OUT

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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