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"So after that we completely lost pir heads, we just bought everything and anything!" Her high pitched voice rings in my ear, her eyes dull when she realises i wasnt listening to anything she had just said.
"DAKOTA!" My brown hair sways as i stare up at her eyes wide open.
"I was listening i just wasnt paying attention!" My voice is lower than hers but she claims that we sound the same.
"Yeah, but this is important information."
"Everytime you go away you come back with 'inportant information' which is always just a story about you shopping." She narrows her eyesbrows and shuffles back in her seat a bit.
"Are you ok?" She leans in a bit pushing her lunch to the side.
"Im fine... Just i cant sleep again." She looks at me a bit more then moves back put keeps her eyes glued on me.

"Hey dakota!" I turn around and see my favourite blonde haired weirdo bounding towards us.
"Hey regan!" I call back
"Are you okay?" He stops right in front of me and looks me up and down.
I take in a deep shaky breath, thoughts begin flying through my mind as i start to think about whether or not i look normal or if sonethibgs wrong with the way i look.
"Yeah... I just cant sleep at the moment."
"What about those tablets you got dont they help?"
"No they dont do anything!"
He shuffles awkwardly in his seat and i give up trying.
They both stare up at me in shock.
"Dakota, your pupils are tiny and your mouth has blood all through it."
I stop dead in my tracks, i stumble and almost trip while trying to get out of my seat, regan jumps up and grabs my arm.
I feel my breathing speed up and my vision starts to get fuzzy, i feel regans grip get tighter but it doesnt hurt. It feels like an ancore dragging me back into reality, i feel my eyes close and open slowly. I close them and then force then open, i wait to feel regans hands but instead i feel the rough pain of concrete under my cheek.
I take a deep breath in and concentraut on the cold air rushing through my lungs, my elbows crack as they lift my body weight. Nobody is around me, i wait to see regan running around a corner looking for me, but he doesnt come.
The corridor was scarier than staying outside would have ever been, all the doors were open and all the lockers were unlocked and empty.
One of them slam and i see a dark shadowy figure walking behind me, he doesnt walk evenly but everytine he puts his left foot dowm his whole body slouches with it. His hand is stretched out and he walks along slamming shut every locker as he gets closer and closer to me, i try to scream but when i open my mouth nothing comes out. I turn and start running but it doesnt take long for me to realise that i wasnt going anywhere.
"HELP!" I scream out finally but no one comes to my aid.
I move my body and slide into one of the lockes, the figure moves and stops right outside the door.
"Everyone has it but nobody can loose it..."
I hold my breathe waiting for something to happen.
"Everyone has it but nobody can loose it... what is it?"
He barely talks he only whispers.
"I... I dont know..." I shakly answer back.
"EVERYONE HAS IT BUT NOBODY CAN LOOSE IT!" He yells slamming his fists against the metal door im hiding behind.
"EVERYONE HAS IT BUT NOBODY CAN LOOSE IT!" He slams his fists again.
"I DONT KNOW!" I scream back.
"Find out or we kill all of them."
The door swings open and regan and allison stand in front of me with blood dripping out from their mouths.
"Everyone has it... But nobody can loose it..."
My throat burns as i sit screaming, the light peices my eyes as i open them. I stop for a second and breathe but that second doesnt last long before i start screaming again. I feel dads arms wrap around my cold shaking body as he craddles me in his arms, i stop screaming and sob.
"It... It was him again... he wont stop telling me riddles."
"You need to let it go, remeber its just a dream."
"Im trying!"
"Its just a dream."
"No... no its not!"

What do u guys think of the first chapter??
This one was short because i wanted to see if i would enjoy this story line and i do so expect more.
As you can see shes already going insane and im actually really excited to put this character through more, dont worry you will learn more about her soon!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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