You had just come home after a long day of work and all you wanted to do was climb into bed and sleep the rest of the day.
So that's exactly what you did.
When you woke up, you went down the hall to use the restroom. You stepped in something wet and sticky.
"What in the world?" You lifted up your foot to examine the bottom and it was completely red. Blood.
Rolling your eyes, you walked down the hallway knowing your boyfriend Harry was up to something.
Walking into the living room, you found all the boys on the ground, appearing bloody. Fake blood was all over the walls and the floors. The boys appeared to have been murdered.
You laughed. "Very funny boys. I would've believed it, but it's Halloween so..."
The boys didn't move. So you walked over to Harry and rolled him over. His eyes were closed, but he was doing a bad job of pretending to be dead. You could see the smile trying to break through. "Okay. Fine. I'm going to Nandos. All alone." You dragged on.
"Here I go. Towards the door. Almost there...getting closer now."
"WAIT I'M COMIN'!" Niall shouted and ran after you.
"That's what I thought. Nice prank boys, but you couldn't fool me."
"Damn it Niall, you blew it." Harry got up from the ground as the other boys did the same.
"Sorry mate, the girl mentioned food." He shrugged.
Harry walked over to you and tried hugging you, but you pulled away. "Eww, don't hug me. You're all bloody." You playfully stuck your tongue out.
"Haha." He said and wrapped his arm around your waist and led you out the door.
"Shouldn't you guys clean up?"
They just laughed.
You had just got home at about 9 on and was expecting Niall to be home.
No answer. Sighing, you went out into the living room and laid down on the couch. You loved Niall, but you weren't too fond of his job. He's gone so much. It's as if he was dating his job, not you.
You decided to rest your eyes until he got home, but just as you were about to drift off, the power went out.
"Darn it." You mumbled. Since it was night, it was dark in the house and you couldn't see where you were going. You reached your hands out, feeling around until you got to the kitchen. You found the junk drawer and pulled out a box of matches and lit one. Grabbing a candle, you lit that and set it out in the living room.
You went to look out the window, but it wasn't stormy at all.
"Why did the power go out?" You whispered to yourself.
You went to sit down on the couch, but you heard a noise upstairs. Cautiously, you made your way upstairs. You walked into your room, and the TV was on.
"What the hell?" How could the TV be on when the power was out? Creepy. You quickly turned the TV off and ran back downstairs.
Just as you came into to the living room, that TV went on as well. You screamed then turned it off.
You were definitely scared now. You looked out the window again, and the neighbors had power. That's when you knew something was up. Your eyes wandered the yard, and you saw something moving in the corner. Looking closer, you saw it walk closer to the house. It had no face and it was carrying a large knife.
You screamed, and ran upstairs and locked yourself in the bathroom. You grabbed your phone to dial for help but your phone was dead. "No, no, no! Work!"
You threw your phone on the ground. Tears began to fall down your face. You knew you were about to die.
Just then, all the power came back on in the house. You slowly crept out of the closet and went downstairs. You saw Niall standing in the living room laughing his butt off. Only thing, he was wearing the dark tone and the large knife was in his hand.
"You...you should've seen your...face!"
"That wasn't funny Niall..." Tears were streaming down your face. "I thought I was going to die!" You shouted at him.
"Princess, I'm so-"
"No Niall! I hate you! If you think that's funny then you're sick! Sick, sick, sick! What kind of person finds it hilarious to scare their girlfriend to death by pretending to be a serial killer?! A sick one, that's who!" You ran out of the house, not really sure where to go.