Chapter 34: Sleeping With A Broken Heart

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"I can't do this Jackson. I'm tired as hell," I said, panting.

"Fae you only ran 2 feet," Jackson said.

"Well at least I did something. You just sat there barking orders at me," I pouted.

"Fae your a werewolf. You should be ashamed. Now since you don't like running, we are going to do some squats," he said.

So that's why he has a nice booty.

"It's going to turn your thigh fat and ass fat into muscle," Jackson said.

"Hey! This is already muscle," I said.

He came over to me and smacked my ass.

"Judging by the way that jiggled, I'm going to say it's fat,'' Jackson said.

"Whatever and don't be touching all up on my booty," I told him.

"Okay. Now open your legs, hip width apart. Bend down...not too far don't let your knees go over your feet. Don't lean forward..," Jackson said as I started doing the squats.

"I don't feel comfortable with you watching me. Shouldn't you be putting in some work?", I asked him. Damn my thighs are burning.

"I have to supervise you and make sure you're doing it right," he said.

"Whatever. How long am I supposed to do this?", I asked, my ass felt like it was going to fall off.

"10 more and don't half ass it," he said.

"Okay what am I doing now?," I asked as I finished.

"Jumping squats," he said. I didn't like the way that sounded.

"Just do it the way you've been doing, but jump up after you squat," he said.

"How many do you want me to do?", I asked.

"Since I'm nice only 15," he said. I did one of them and already felt like I was going to die.

"Fuck Fae, are you wearing a bra?", He asked.

"Duh who do you think I am, hoegrid?", I asked.

"You need a more supportive bra...your boobs keep bouncing," he said.

"It's not my fault your a perv," I said, doing my last jump squat.

"Okay no more jumping exercises. Now we are just going to do reverse lunges. Like this," he said, demonstrating for me.

"How many?", I asked.

"15 on each side," he said.

"Are we going to get some food after this?", I asked.

"Yes. We're going to have a nice salad,'' he said.

"Can it have fried chicken strips?", I asked.

"Fae. That's not healthy," Jackson said.

"But I'll be eating green lettuce. That's a start," I said, switching to the other leg.

"Fine, but it'll be spinach and you can only have 2 tablespoons of salad dressing," he said.

My salad was going to be dry as fuck.

I did some alternating lunges, alternating squats, jumping lunges, toe taps, leg lifts, fire hydrants, wall squats, hip dips, plank to push up, 2 minute plank, reverse plank, reverse crunches, mountain climbers, burpees, burpees to sprint, wide squat burpees, sumo squats, sumo squat pulses, plank jacks, spiderman planks, and he made me run 3 miles.

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