A Gold-Plated Society

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This entry is written from the perspective of a teen from a high income household. 

Mark the date: September 1st, 2016. Today, the phrase 'first world problems' is thrown around all too easily. In fact, it is often a cause of uncontrollable laughter as kids (or adults alike) flaunt their luxury and comfort and bond over their seemingly bottomless pockets and limitless credit cards. Nonetheless, what seems like a harmless statement, intended to prolong friendly conversation, holds negative connotations we are all too eager to turn a blind eye to. Now, those of you who know me in person know that unfortunately, I myself am guilty of all the above. It was actually only a couple days back when I was told a little story (or rather, endlessly lectured) by my mother that I came to realize the weight this phrase actually holds.

Now I'm not here to preach about why donating is important or why conservation of water is necessary. We all have tedious school assemblies for that. I'm simply here to pick at our blissful ignorance. Yesterday, I arrived home, back from my fifth shopping spree of the month, to be reminded of the bags full of untouched items that already awaited me in my closet by my mom. However, it wasn't the frequently used example of 'millions of people don't have enough to feed themselves' that I heard this time. Instead, I heard a much more familiar example about our housekeeper - someone who is notorious for the everlasting smile on her face, yet one who earns a minimum wage, lives with 5 roommates in the smallest flat in the oldest building in the dodgiest part of town.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that by using the phrase 'first-world problems' so light-heartedly, we are refusing to acknowledge or appreciate the hardships my dear old housekeeper and millions others like her face on a daily basis. We instead promote ignorance and act as if it is completely alright to live in our own little wealthy, materialistic bubble.

All I ask is that we look beyond our 'first-world problems' and really open our eyes to the nickel world hidden by the gold-plating of our lavish homes and Louis Vuitton bags.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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