Part 1

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I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating on my bedside table,
Missed call: Matty
Missed call: Matty
Missed call: Trish
Text message: unknown number..

My eyes eyes fluttered open and I stared at the ceiling, my eyes adjusting to the bright light flooding through my blood red curtains. Every day seemed more pointless than the day before, I wanted nothing more to be out of this place, to be free and to restart my life. But since my parents died the possibility to be free seemed impossible.
"For fucks sakes," I mumble as I bury my face under my duvet looking at my skin that looked a devilish red under the covers, when in reality I was the palest in my family. Almost vampire like,
My phone buzzes again,

Incoming call: Matty
"Mmmmhhhhhh what the fuck does he want?" I grabbed the phone and answered
"I was sleeping," I whine
"Not my problem sis, we have a problem at the store, I left my keys to the store room on my bed, can you grab them and come here?" He asked, a sense of seriousness flickered in his voice, he was scared. But of what?
"Ughhh Matty you douche I have to shower and shit, I'll be there as soon as I can, but you owe me. Chinese for dinner?" I propose
"Ugh fine, just get your ass here sis."
I fist pump in the air, I could convince my brother to do anything for my, but I'm not the sort of girl who used tragedy to get what she wants, I am more of a worker. I worked for everything I own, it's how my parents raised me and I don't want to feel like I've let them down.

I got up from under the covers, goosebumps raided my skin as the warm air turned cool, i shudder and grab a shirt from the chair in front of my desk, I put it on and walked to the bathroom, I turn the knob on the shower and hot water hit the tiled floor, steam began to fill the roof and i cautiously raised her hand to test the water,
"Fucking Christ!" I yell as my hand scolded, "little bugger,"

She stepped in once the water had cooled slightly, and put her head under the water letting it flow over her skin, she hummed a random tune but then went quiet.
She missed them, her parents, they made her life the best it could be, and she never realised how much she needed them until they were gone.

Ash turned the shower off and slid the door open the cold air causing water droplets to run down her arms and legs, she grabbed a towel and wrapped herself up, and looked at herself in the mirror, her blue hair cascaded over her shoulders and down her back, her emerald eyes glinted in the sunlight pooling into the room through a crack in the window. She sighed at the image of herself, how scars covered her arms and one of her thighs. But that pain was over now, she'd overcome it and gotten better but there were still days where she doubted herself.

Ashley opened the door to her brothers bedroom and picked the keys up off the bed, glancing at the family photo, all four smiles made Ashley smile sadly, she walked away and out of the house, locking the door behind her.

I walk around the top floor of the shopping centre, looking for my brothers store, he owned a vintage vinyl store and it was very popular with the skinheads in my school... The type with tattoos covering every inch of their bodies, piercings..and the types of girls I fell madly for, especially one I've seen around before..the one with the Amber eyes.

Ashley spotted her brother stood outside his store, staring off into the distance biting his lip nervously.

"Matty? You okay?" I ask cautiously,

"Huh what? Yeah?" He didn't make eye contact with her,

"It's the skin heads again isn't it?" She asked

Matty snapped out of his day dream,
"How did you know about that?" He said monotonous.
I didn't want to  cause any unnecessary drama, but I had over heard the skin heads at school talking about a plan to start some trouble.. Put 2 and 2 brother was in trouble,
"I...I just thought because they're always causing trouble with you so."

"J-just give me my keys and go home before you get dragged into anything."

I handed him the keys, and I flashed him a look to say it's gonna be okay, but he discarded it and walked back into the store, I turned to walk away when I hit someone, and we both fell to the ground.
The most amazing perfume filled my nose, but I quickly snapped back into my senses,
"I'm so so sor-"

It was her.

She looked at me, her Amber eyes calm but staring into me, like she was reading me like a book, she chuckled and then smirked, my god that smirk. My heart began to beat faster and all I could think to do was turn away and go home, Matty would kill me if I talked to her, she was dangerous, but damn was she beautiful.
I glanced over my shoulder as I walked away, she continued to stand there, her arms folded showing off her sleeve tattoo on her right arm, her Amber eyes followed me as I left, and that smirk kept replaying in my head.

Thank god that moment was over.

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