Chapter 22: Truck Ride (part 1)

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Sorry for the delay, but here you go :)


(time skip)

(Owen)- " We know that she is in sector five. This is a game we call hide-and-seek. It's a scent drill. We've done it about a thousand times with these animals. When they get on target, and they will get on target, wait to engage. Velociraptors are pack hunters. They like to herd the animal into a kill zone. That's when we take our shot. Get a clear shot, wait on my command, and give her everything you got. We got one good target, gentlemen. Do not shoot my Raptors.Please."

Owen and Hoskins team were discussing the plan to hunt the Indominus. I didn't know what to do, I was just sitting on top of the hood of the car. Zach and gray were still inside. Barry was walking out of the discussion- he was heading towards the raptor cage. I follow Barry to the cage.

He enters inside, prepping the raptors for their release. I finally made it to the cage- people were coming and going all around. I went inside- Barry was petting a velociraptor so gently. How can he pet this thing- I mean yeah it's cool but they are still animals- extinct animals.

(y/n)- "Is it safe to be petting them?"

(Barry)- " When they are muzzled yes, I like to pet them- it's like they are household pets"

(y/n)- "what's its name?"

(Barry)- " This one's Blue"

(y/n)- " That's a nice name- who named the raptors?"

(Owen)- " I did"  Owen was walking towards Barry and I

(y/n)- " Its clear why you named her blue" I cross my arms, the weather was getting a little chilly.

(Owen)- " Barry- Some of the soldiers need you  for help"

(Barry)- " I'm on it" Barry stands and leaves the cage, closing it behind him. Owen takes over Barry's spot, he gently pets Blue. She snarls and moves trying to get free. It startled me, scared that it'll actually get out before it has to be released

(Owen)- "Easy, Blue.Easy. Attagirl. You don't scare me."

(y/n)- " Aren't you at least scared a little bit?"

(Owen)- " yeah I'm scared, but now is not the time to be"

(y/n)- " You think releasing the raptors is a good idea to hunt the Indominus?"

(Owen)-  " It's better than her being lose and killing every animal on this island" Owen adjusts his gun strapped on his back.

(y/n)- " I hope- this plan works, so we can all be safe and go home"

(Owen)- " Things will work out"

(y/n)- " Don't do something stupid, like get yourself killed"

(Owen)- " I'll try not to" Owen inches close to me, why is this guy so- so, whats the word..(choose word). He reaches for my hand, he glances at it, like hes admiring it. He closes in- I want a kiss from him again. I close my eyes and he gets closer, I can feel his heat coming off of him.

(Gray)- " Owen" We both stop, lips so close to touching. Gray- you couldn't wait five more seconds!? Owen smiles, turning away going towards the large fence. Zach and gray were there arms leaning.

(Gray)- " Are they safe?"

(Owen)- " No, they're not."

(Zach)- " What are their names?" I turn behind me- the rest of the raptors are in their muzzles

(Owen)- "Well, you got Charlie. There's Echo. Here is Delta. This one's called Blue She's the beta."

(Gray)- " Who's the alpha?"

(Owen)- " You're looking at him, kid." Gray was amazed. Claire called the boys over to her.

(y/n)- " Alpha?" I chuckle

(Owen)- " I imprinted on them when they were born" I smile at him, he grins. One of the soldiers call for him. They're getting ready to go hunt the Indominus. Owen and I head out the cage- I didn't know where to go to be safe. Owen hovered his hand behind my lower back, he was leading me to a truck where Claire kept Zach and Gray. He opens the passenger side door.

(y/n)- " what're you doing?"

(Owen)- " Stay here with them- its safe"

(y/n)- " I was gonna go with you- I wanna help"

(Owen)- " You can help by getting inside" I gave in- I couldn't say no to Owen, those eyes, his facial hair- his lips- made me weak.

(solider)- " Owen!"

(Owen)- "Yeah!... I gotta go. Be safe" He closes the door. I hope he'll be alright. I mean, hes smart- he knows what to do. Claire was in the Driver seat, she had a tablet to see what's going on with the hunt. It feels uncomfortable  just us being in the front seat- kind of awkward. Owen grabs something from of the guys, it was wrapped in a rag. He clicks-waving the item in front of the raptors cage. Owen and the rest of the team were in vehicles read to go. He gives the signal, the worker- hey I remember him, he caused us to fall in the cage. Bastard. He pushes a button releasing the very fast dinosaurs.

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