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Chapter 1

"Kiba!! We can't keep this up, we have to go back to the leaf...." kiba's sister Hana said as she ran behind him.

"Damn It Hana just a little more please !!"

"No kiba I've let this go on for far to long, our mission has been completed. he's not in these lands and we cant keep this up. Akamaru and the others can't keep this up and neither can we. We have no supply's no food nor fresh drinking water, we must go back to the leaf." Hana yelled as she stepped in front of kiba.

He look over to Akamaru and the others than back to his sister. "Hana, shikadai is a child, who isn't even a genin yet. I promised..." kids looked down as he spoke to his sister

"He's gone and I know their your friends but Temari and Shikamaru have lost their son and there's no bring him back. We can't bring back the dead" she turned and headed back to the Hidden Leaf, Akamaru and the others close behind.


Everyday after work Shikamaru would go to hang out with Choji and once Karui called him to get home he would head to the closet bar and usually spend the night there. Weeks have passed since Shikadai disappeared and Shikamaru was doing anything in his power to stay away from home. He couldn't go back, because every time he stepped foot in that house reality would hit him, He no long had a son.

One day after work Shikamaru didn't call Choji and just went straight to the bar. He sat down at his normal booth and order a bottle whisky And a cup. Everyday the same thing order a bottle and drink it till he passed out. To others it looked like he just become an alcoholic but to him it help. It turned him numb made the pain in his heart disappear and most importantly made him forget.


Kiba who had just go back from the land of earth saw his friend walk into the bar and followed. Sending Akamaru home to get some rest.

Entering his eyes search for Shikamaru but he was no where in sight, walking all the way in he finally caught sight of him at a booth and walked over, he could smell the alcohol all over his clothing. He shook his head as he sat down with his old friend getting a good look at him he spoke "how have you been?"

the words clearly reached Shikamaru because he looked up but just decided to ignore him. Kiba let out a small chuckle and gave his friend a smirk "you know Temari's been looking a little lonely and to be honest with her sent I'm sure men will come from all over to comfort her. Me being one of them" finally getting a reaction out of him kiba jump back as Shikamaru jump forward to grab him. "Stay the hell away from my wife!!"

Kiba just smirked as he turned to the other in the bar who clearly were looking at them. "Well it looks like we'll both be doing that from now on right" kiba snapped back smacking the whiskey out of shikamaru hand grabbing him by his caller. "Think about it Shikamaru you did everything in your power to get Temari after you though you lost her and now that she need you the most , your no where in sight, your a coward, you don't deserve her. the Shikamaru I knew would had ran miles for her, so if you gave up just tell her and let her go, I'm sure she'll be able to find someone to help her look for your son" kiba said finally letting go of him and walk out of the booth "if you still love her think about her pain not just yours, help her find what you both have lost, help her find your son , mend her back to health show her your"re still the man she loves" Shikamaru turned to face his friend's back "and why are you telling me this kiba"
He let out a small chuckle and shook his head "don't be a low life ok shilkamru"
with those final words kiba walked out.

Shikamaru laugh at kiba's word remembering the time at the ramen shop when they found out about the marriage. Letting out a sigh he laid his head down on the table looking at the bottle before him "he's right. I'm sorry Tem" with those words said he got up leaving the money on the table than walked out into the streets.


Hey guys ok this is the first part of Our Missing Half (The Maiden's Curse Book 2) , sorry for the short chaper but hope you all like it and you know like always leave a comment below and vote for my story. And thank you to all who been with me this far.

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