Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Jungkook's P.O.V

The same night...

Ji Sae is cute with her nephews and nieces. She seem very loving towards them. It made me smile by just seeing that scene. She's been very cold towards me so when i saw that, it showed me that Ji Sae has such a soft and loving heart.

Baby, i won't hurt you. I promise. "The kids are so cute." - i said, giggling.

Ji Sae nodded while smiling. "I've never seen this side of you. You're so lovely towards the kids." - i added.

"They are kids Jungkook. And i've treat them like my own daughters and sons." - she said.

"But if they make one mistake, they will get it from me. I taught them about manners a lot. I don't want my kids to be rude." - she added. I smiled. She's gonna be a very loving mother and i know that.

"Thats why when they see you, they will bow formally." - she added again.

Just then we arrive at the convenience store. The both of us got out of my car and walk in the store. I helped Ji Sae find the chocolates together.

She sure pick a lot. There's a lot of flavors too! Mint, hazelnuts, jelly beans, berries and more flavors. Then we pick out ice creams. And it's a lot too.

"Isn't it too much?" - i asked.

"It is but i want them to choose their own flavors. They are quite picky." - she said. I chuckled.

We then walk to the counter and payed for them. After that, i drive back to her house. "You free tomorrow?" - Ji Sae asked out of a sudden.

"Umm i'm free during lunch time till the rest of the day. Why?" - i said.

"Let's have lunch tomorrow." - she said.

"Really? Are you asking me out?" - i teased her and smirked. She hit my arm.

"Do you want to have lunch with me or not? If not then-"

"Anything for you baby." - i cut her with a smile. We arrive at her house, i helped her carry the stuffs as we walk in.

"Kids!" - Ji Sae called. The kids started running towards us with wide smiles. Ji Sae sat on the floor and i sit next to her, placing the plastic bag on the floor too.


"Thank you Aunt Ji Sae!"

"Love you Aunt!"

The kids said. They pick out their own favorite flavors and eat them. They sit in a circle, starting from us, eating.

"Aunt Ji Sae! Who is this handsome oppa?" - one of the girls asked cutely.

"Is he your boyfriend, Aunt?" - another boy asked cutely too. Ji Sae looked at me then turn back to the kids.

She held my hand and smiled. "This is your Uncle Jungkook. And he's my fiancé."

I smiled wide. So wide that my lips might tear apart. The moment she said i was her fiancé, it just made me so happy. Is she accepting me? I hope so. My heart started pumping fast.

"Uncle Jungkook! You are so handsome!" - another girl said with a smile. I saw Ji Sae nodded with a smile. I thank the cute girl and Ji Sae introduce them to me. My future nieces and nephews are so cute and there are 11 of them.

After hours spending time the with the kids, their parents called them to go to bed. And only me and Ji Sae are in the living room. Her parents went to bed early and her siblings with their wife/husband just went to bed along with their kids.

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