Chapter 8

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

I put on my wedding dress. (A/N: wedding dress~ wedding dress~ hehe okay i know im annoying) I sit in front of my mirror and stared at myself. Today is the day.

The day where Kim Ji Sae will get married. And i'll be Jeon Ji Sae soon. Am i dreaming? It feels so unreal. Just then both my unnies came with wide smiles.

"What's with that face? It's your day! Smile wide, princess." - Ji Hae unnie said as she put her hands on my shoulders and look at myself through the mirror. I forced a smile.

And that also means, today is the day, Jungie will get married. Outside, i give a fake smile. Inside, i'm crying my lungs out. Ji Hae unnie did my makeup then Ji Rae unnie did my hair.

"All done princess." - Ji Rae unnie said with a smile.

"Thanks unnie." - i said and faked a smile then turn around. Both my unnies take a chair and sit in front of me. They both hold onto my hand and smiled.

"Our little sister is getting married." - Ji Hae unnie said as she faked cry. I laughed and hit her playfully.

"Stop that unnie." - i said still giggling.

"All we can say is, just be happy with your husband. He'll make you the most happiest person in the world." - Ji Rae said and Ji Hae unnie nodded.

"If he doesn't, i'm gonna kill him." - Ji Hae unnie joked as the three of us laughed.

"You don't need to unnie. I'm a gangster. Remember? I'll kill him instead." - i joked and all of us laughed.

"Just don't kill him for real." - someone said as she came out of my bathroom. It was eomma. Her face was serious which made us froze. Then she laughed and we laughed along. Eomma walk towards me as i got up. She hugged me and i hugged her back.

She caress my back. She broke the hug and smiled. "Just don't forget about your family once you get married." - she said.

I nodded. "I know that eomma. Sorry for being immature or rude towards you. Thank you so much for everything." - i said. Eomma teared as i wiped her tears with my thumbs.

"Kid? You're done?" - i heard TaeHyun oppa said with a smile. I nodded. All of us walk down to the living room.

Appa walk towards me and smile. "I'm proud of you Jeon Ji Sae." - he said.

"Appa! I've yet say my vows! I'm still Kim Ji Sae even if i'm married!" - i whined. Appa giggled and nodded. He gave me a hug. Then my family members left, leaving me and appa alone.

We got in our car and went to the venue. Since Jungkook is an idol, we decided to make it in a hotel. I look out of the window while rubbing my thumbs against each other. I don't want to admit this but i have to. I'm nervous. So damn nervous!

I just hope everything will go well. Suddenly i imagine Jungkook. He'll look flawless and i know he will. With the white tux i picked. I remembered the day when we were picking our outfits. He look good when he was trying it out. By just trying it, he look fine.

And now, he's gonna use it for the whole event. It makes me more nervous by just thinking of it. He'll look flawless while i'll look ugly. Stop thinking about it, Kim Ji Sae. I hit my head using my palm continuously. I tried to not think about it by playing a game.

And it doesn't seem to work! Urgh! Get out of my head Jeon Jungkook! Just then we arrive at the hotel. The event is held at the ballroom, on the 2nd floor. I use my white high heels and slowly went out of the car.

I saw my kids all dressed in normal clothes, acting like they don't me. I need to cover. If anybody wants to ruin my wedding, i'm prepared. I gave them a nod as they nodded back.

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