Chapter 1

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Nikki's POV

I did it. I'm the Diva's Champion. I'm at the top of the mountain. 10 years of struggle, pain, defeat. But now, I'm here. For the second time. I have made it. "John!" I called out. I'm sitting in our home, watching Netflix. "Yeah babe?" He calls back. "Can you maybe get the Diva's Champion a little bit of coffee please?" I asked him, fluttering my eyelashes even though he couldn't see. "Sure, anything for the queen." He replied jokingly. I sighed happily. John is just amazing. He's nice, he's handsome, he's understanding. I don't think anyone else in the entire world is like John. "Here's your coffee, darling." John says as he hands me my cup and sits down next to me. "Aww, thank you! You even added cream!" I said joyfully. He chuckled. "I know what you like, Nico-" "Nikki!" I cut him off. He rolled his eyes and laughed. I didn't win the Diva's Championship as Nicole. I won it as Nikki. Nikki Bella. "Okay, Nikki," He said. "How 'bout lets play some beer pong, huh?"

My eyes widened slightly. "No, no thank you." I replied. "Aww, cmon Nik!" He said, poking my arm. I tensed up a bit. He knows I get annoyed when he pokes me. "The answer is still no, sorry." I said calmly. He grunted. "How 'bout a stipulation?" He asked. I looked up and straightened my shoulders. "If you win, you can take me shopping." He said. I rolled my eyes. Sure, I love shopping, but with John? No thank you! He just picks at me for being too slutty, showing too much cleavage, being too expensive, ugh. "Uh, what about if you win, John?" I asked. "Even though you know you won't win." He smirked a little. "You'll see." He said while getting up. I raised an eyebrow and watched him set up beer pong on a table. I didn't like where this was going...

{time skip}

John went first. He threw the ping pong ball and it landed right in one of my shot cups. I rolled my eyes as he celebrated. I took a sip and immediately felt dizzy. "J-John." I stuttered. "W-what di-did you p-put in my dr-drink?" He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow, but to me I couldn't tell if it was his eyebrow or a fuzzy stick. "Um, nothing?" He replied, a little sceptical. I wobbled around the table until I got to John. I shoved one of his shots down his throat. He didn't seem dizzy at all. "T-this isn't fair!" I shouted. "What's not fair, Bella?" He asked. I didn't like being called by last name! And it wasn't even my real last name! "It's Ni-Nikki!" I shouted, banging my hand on the beer pong table, spilling a lot of beer. Or was it beer? "J-John, drink o-one of my s-shots." I stuttered. John looked at me dead in the eyes. "Why should I?" He asked. He glared at me with a look I've never seen before. A look of terror. A look of...


"Um, well. I w-was thi-thinking that s-since I'm so d-drunk maybe you p-put something s-strong in my drink and uh, I w-wanted you to t-try it to see i-if I was r-right." I managed to stutter out. I wasn't stuttering because of being drunk, well I was, but I was stuttering because I was scared. I was scared of John. He just grunted and walked over to my side of the table and picked out a certain cup and drank it all. "I have no clue what you're talking about, Bella." He said while staring me dead in the eyes. "But I-" "Maybe you just can't handle a little drink!" John yelled at my face, cutting me off. Don't cry, don't cry. I said to myself so many times. John smirked and threw another ping pong ball into another one of my cups. A certain cup. I bet John is only aiming for certain cups that he put something in! Ah-ha! "J-John, aim for a-another cup." I said. He looked at me confused. "Um, ok?" He shrugged. He threw another ping pong ball into a cup. A certain cup I bet. I picked up both cups and examined them. I looked closely until I found a little red dot on the backside of the cup, facing John. A look of shock crawled through my face. I checked some other cups, including the one that John drank from mine. No dots, no dots, no dots. "Nicole, what are you doing?" He asked. "Y-you're only aiming f-for certain cups!" I shouted, looking him dead in the eye. "And?" He asked sassily. "Y-you put something i-in my dri-"


Author's Note: hey! Tysm for reading chapter one! I know it's kinda short, and it makes no sense but WHATEVER! Btw, read my Jeristyles book! I'm still working on it but it'll be good I promise! Bye my little superstars! :3 -Ash

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