Chapter 1

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A/N: I wanted to write a continuation after their kiss in 7x10, but then I basically re-wrote all the scenes from 7x10, from an Alison deeper perspective point of view. And this physically drained me so much, that I almost didn't write the actual continuation part of it. But then I did (the next morning, after I had already posted this.. because I'm stupid), so enjoy? Maybe, I dunno. I don't own you.

Not beta'd, but you all should know that by now.


She'd been staring at the stick for what felt like hours now, the two lines not moving from their original place that they had appeared only minutes before. It was really happening, it was no longer just a thought that gnawed at the back her mind telling her over and over again those little words. The stick that now felt like an anvil in her hand told her the truth, getting up from the side of the bathtub and walking to the bin, she dropped it in, not bearing to hold it anymore feeling like it might break the strong mask she had forged within the couple of minutes she's spent in the bathroom.

She could hear Emily thanking her for letting her stay there the night and, oh god, she's going to have to tell her about this. Emily knows her inside and out, she knew her better than anyone had ever known her, even her own mother, ever since their night that they spent together Alison couldn't hold the walls that fenced the brunette out from knowing her feelings. She needed a shoulder to rest on tonight, and Emily is the only one she trusts.

"-give them some alone time." Alison glanced a quick look to Emily going through her drawer, she knew that the brunette would find the pineapple pj's that once belonged to her all those years ago. When she and Elliot (she'd preserved the good times that they both had when first moving in together, not letting his actual identity into her memories) were going through old boxes and he had pulled out the navy blue clothing, Alison's breath hitched as she remembered who once had worn them. The blonde had lied to her husband and said they were hers and that although they no longer fit she wanted to keep the set anyway, adding to the lie and saying that her mother gave them to her.

"I can't shake the feeling that Hanna's not telling us the truth." She grabbed a few throw pillows from the bed, she hated the colour of them had wanted to change the sleeves ever since she'd gotten back from Welby. Hell, she'd wanted to change a lot of this house, everywhere she looked reminded her of her husband. He had re-painted the house when Ali told him that she couldn't bear to sleep in the room when it had reminded her so much of her own mother. She had once loved everything about it, and now it seemed to leave a bad taste in her mouth. Although that might have been just the vomiting from that morning.

"I'm pregnant."

There's a pause, and maybe the words have shocked Emily as much as they did Alison. She didn't expect them to actually leave her mouth, and then they had. When she had held the stick telling her that she was pregnant, it didn't feel real it felt like some sick game A.D was playing, or very possibly her eyes playing a trick on her. She was still recovering from Welby, and her time spent in there was a blur of so many mismatched memories, she still didn't know what was real and what she had made up in her delirious state of mind that Archer had put it her. But she couldn't deny it any longer, now she's said it, out loud, it's real.


"I'm pregnant," and as Alison turned around to face the brunette, she noted that she had been right Emily stood there with navy blue pj's held against her stomach and slight shocked expression on her face. Should she continue? God, she really should've thought this whole thing out before letting the words spew out of her mouth.

"I just-" She motions to the bathroom, sure that Emily would understand her point, "in there."

Emily offers a tiny shake of her head as her mouth falls open and closed before she finally speaks, "Are you sure?"

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