the war on cybertron(chapter 1)

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A/n i will have translations on the bottom

Rachets pov

They did it. The decepticons started a war. i was running to my home going to get my daughters. They needs to get off of cybertron. It is too dangerous for 2 5 vorn old femmes to be on this planet . I dont want a decepticon to offline them like soundwave did my sparkmate. I saw some cons in my home,i was worried about starblade and sunblaze .i ran up and shot them.I opened the door and ran inside. There were some in there room so I ran in and shot them all offline but they weren't there. "Sunblaze starblade were are you." I yelled concerned. Then i hured crying comming from there closet. I opened it and they ran up to me. I grabbed them in my arms "Shhhh. It's ok girls." I said to them trying torque them. " come on lets go somewere ......" i paused for a second and continued. "Somewere safe with uncle optimus." They nodded their heads still in my arms. I picked them up and ran to optimus. He was surrounded so i transformed my hand into a gun with sunblaze in the other and starblade on the ground. Then i started helping him. " Rachet bring the girls to an escape pod and send them to these corrdinates." He told me. Then i picked up starblade and ran as fast as i could. I started crying as i ran and stopped infront of the escape pod. I opened one and set the girls in it and closed the door. "Arnt you comming daddy?" Star asked me. It broke my spark to here her say that. But i didnt answer her so she asked again. "Daddy?" I finnished putting in corrdinates and said goodbye to my sweetsparks. "Goodbye. Im so sorry about this sun and star. after this me and uncle optimus will find you two. I promise."then i pushed the button. Then they started banging on the window. "Daddy no dont leave us. Daddy. Daddy."they yelled. And they started crying again. It broke my spark but i knew i had to do this.I love you. And i promis i will find you guys. That was 8 vorns ago. We found there escape pod but not them. I cryed for cycles. But i knew my team needed my help so i pushed them to the back of my mind. Still thinking about them everyday. Till we got a transmition from the decepticon warship.

Vorn: year

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