•~• (finally) call for me

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Yamaguchi POV)
I started running as the bullies chased after me. I didn't know what to do! I couldn't run forever.
With a sigh I stopped and turned around preparing myself for an impact and as I expected I got tackled to the ground.
I was punched in the nose a few times making it bleed. Tears flooded my eyes as I cried for help. My arms and legs were pinned down and the bullies started carrying me off to somewhere.

The only thing I knew to do was call for him, and only him.
"Tsukki!!!!!!" I cried, gasping for air as the bullies kicked my rips and lungs. Pain shot up in every part of my body.
I see Tsukki out of the corner of my eyes before loosing consciousness.
I woke up in a dim room as see to the side of me a bloody passed out Tsukki.

"Tsukki?" I ask.
No response .
"Tsukki?!" I yell.
No response.
My lip quivers as I try to call out to him again but I can't speak.
I see the guys from before and they step closer and closer to me as I lay limp on a table. I couldn't move if I tried.
They started unzipping my pants. I tried to kick them off but it was no use. My legs felt like noodles. I start to cry out for my best friend confessing everything for him ,I thought this would be the end of me.
"Tsukki, I'm sorry I'm weak! I'm sorry I am so annoying. I wish I could have been there for you like you are for me. I wish I didn't call your name so you didn't have to get hurt. Tsukki I love you. I want to keep you by me but I know I can't. I'm surely to feeble to stand on the same stage as you. Maybe one day you will forgive me"
As I say these words through my tears the bullies continue to strip me of my cloths. Touching my skin roughly and rubbing my genitals. I cringe at the feeling of their cold hands making me feel 1000% uncomfortable.
As I see one of the bullies unzip their pants something flies past and everything turns into a blur. I hear the faint words.
"Tsk, how pathetic. Touching my boyfriend in such horrible manner."

I let my tears fall from my face as I cry to Kei.
I hear loud banging as I again pass out. I guess I couldn't take the stress and the nasty feeling of someone touching me.
Tsukishima's POV)
My hands form into fists as I punch the people who hurt my darling to the ground. I put all force into them not holding back one bit.
As soon as I get these losers out of my way I can grab my precious Yamaguchi.
I pick up his limp body. I see bruises all over his body. I feel as if I'd barf.
I run out of the building not looking back. I bring him to my house and ram through my door and up the stairs. I lay him on my bed and get a cold towel.
He starts to slowly open his eyes. They looked so full of pain. A stream of tears started to fall from his beautiful face.
I kiss them away, being as gentle as possible. A slight blush rushes over my face as so it does to yama.
"Why didn't you call me for help sooner?" I say slightly tearing up.
He tries to reply but is to weak. Instead I'm greeted with a nice loving kiss.
It starts out as just a kiss and moves it's meaning up more rapidly. I felt the pain I felt all his emotions all in a kiss. I put my hands on his cheeks and make a more demanding kiss with still compassion.
Sadly we had to pull away for air.
I held his hand intertwining my fingers in his. I ran my fingers through his hair with my other hand as he drifted of to sleep smiling. I smile to myself as I watch him.
"Do you love me?"

"Well of course you're my boyfriend"

"Well then you are my boyfriend too now."
"Good 'cause I wasn't giving you a choice"
A smile spreads on both of our faces as we tell each other how much we love one another.
And drifted off into a calming sleep knowing that I would protect yama was the only thing that mattered to me.
"Love you Tadashi"
"Love you too Kei"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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