Drip Drip Drip

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It was Aria's parent's anniversary and they decided to spend the day together. So, naturally, they left 15 year old Aria at home to look after the house while they were away. That night, Aria sat on the two seater couch watching the news with her German Shepard dog's head cushioned on her lap. The news reporter on the tv started going on about a loose serial killer who had escaped a prison in the city Aria lives in. Everyone was advised to lock all their doors and windows as well as block any chimneys in case the killer decides to come by. Aria stood up abruptly, and proceeded to do as instructed. She rushed to the front door and made sure to double check all the other doors before retiring for the night. After inspecting the windows and doors, satisfied that they were locked, she went up the stairs to her bedroom on the 2nd floor. The house was 3 story's high. She made sure her dog had situated itself under her bed, just in case of intruders so he could protect her. As aria found a comfortable position, she reached under the bed for a reassuring lick from her dog. It made her feel safe and helped her sleep more peacefully. After a few minutes, she had already drifted off.


Aria woke with a start. As she gathered her senses, she realized that the noise that had woken her was loud slow dripping noise. Annoyed that sleep had been ripped away from her, she reached for her phone on her bedside table. Not wanting to turn on the ceiling lights in case of being blinded, she used her trusty built in flashlight on her phone to light up her path. She decided to go to her parent's personal bathroom since it was closest, and she figured that since it was loud, it must be somewhere close-by. She turned all the taps in the room on and off to make sure they were turned tight enough. But she saw that nothing come out of the nozzles when switched off. The dripping noise continued.

She was about to try the kitchen when the noise had stopped. Relieved that the noise had ceased, she returned to her room, snuggled into the bed, got her hand licked by the dog before drifting off to sleep.


Once again aria woke to the irritating sound. This time it sounded much quicker and further away. She once again picked up her phone, turned on the flashlight, and decided to go downstairs. Upon entering the kitchen, she noticed that the window above the stove was open. A cold unpleasant breeze caused the hair on her neck to rise as goosebumps rippled along her sleeveless arms. Quickly, she rushed to the window and immediately shut it before carrying on to her original task. She checked the taps, the pipes, and even the stove for the source of the dripping. But no matter how hard she tried she could not seem to find its origin. She decided to check the guest bathroom. If it wasn't in the kitchen it's gotta be in there.

Even with using the same routine as upstairs,  she still could not find the source of the damn dripping!! She was THIS close to pulling the hairs of her head in irritation before she noticed that it had once again stopped.

She felt an abnormal shiver go up her spine as she entered her room. She prayed that the noise won't happen again. It scared the hell out of her. Sinking into her soft mattress once again, she reached her hand under her bed to get another lick from her dog. She couldn't wait for her parents to get back home. Without noticing, she fell asleep.


Aria woke up more scared than she had ever been before. The noise was there again. Her heart bet rapidly in her chest as the dripping came in speeding plops. She had to stop it. Once and for all. She didn't bother grabbing her phone, and instead used the house lights. She went up the stairs to the 3rd story landing, and made her way to the first room she found. She flicked on the hallway light and found herself outside the laundry room. 'Of course!' She thought to herself. 'The taps are always faulty in here!'
Slowly, she turned the brass knob and the door moved with an steady creak. She recognized the silhouette of the dryer and the washing machine across the room from her, but there was one shape that made no sense at all. It looked quite large and seemed to have water  dripping off the bottom. She sighed in relief. She found it. She found the source!! Excited, she flicked on the laundry light. Nothing could prepare her for what she witnessed. Hanging from a high towel rack on the left side of the room, was what looked like gruesome insides of a body. But this body wasn't human. It had four legs. Two front and two at the back. It's face was long and she could see sharp teeth in what seemed to be an open mouth.
She shook her head in fright and felt tears flow rapidly down her pale face. Her dog. Her best friend hung before her in his gruesome end. She averted her eyes to the wall on her right. Not wanting to see him in this state. But there, written in blood on the right hand wall was.......

"Not only dogs can lick"

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