@MissAvaMae: mood today: comfy. happy. ♡♡♡
"I've got your nickname!"
Harry freezes where he is, looking at me with confusion. He'd been walking towards the bed while slipping a button up over his arms. He had yet to button it, which is what gave me my idea.
"M'gonna call you butterfly babe."
"Absolutely not, Ave."
"Absolutely yes. Now hurry up and finish getting dressed, the jeweller is on his way already," I sassily reply. He rolls his eyes, kissing the top of my head as he starts to button up his shirt.
"Did you feed Charm and Pancake already?"
"Yeah," I nod. "While you were in the shower. I was also thinking about how we should get another dog and name it Princess, so we-"
"No. We are not getting another dog, Ava. We barely see the pets we have as it is."
I pout. "I was just kidding. No need to be such a downer, butterfly babe."
He rolls his eyes again and I hide my face with my hands to hide my childish giggles. I feel the bed dip next to me as Harry lays down, his hands gently taking mine from my face. He kisses my nose and each of my cheeks, then rests his forehead on mine.
"You're the cutest," he hums. "Can you head downstairs and get some coffee made while I finish getting ready please?"
"Already made a pot, it's waiting for you."
He smiles and reaches forward to give me a kiss. "Look at us, we've already got this whole living together thing in the bag."
"Until we start arguing over things 'cause we're together 24/7."
"You're always such a mood killer, Ave," he laughs.
The doorbell rings downstairs, which prompts both of us to get up and head downstairs. I answer the door while Harry goes to get some coffee. I let the jeweler in, who introduces himself and then asks where he should set up. I take him into the kitchen, where Harry is stirring his coffee. Harry chats with him as he sets up while I get some coffee for myself.
"I know you mentioned wanting rose and white gold, but I brought some other options as well," he explains to Harry. I wasn't the one that had arranged all of this, so I had no idea that Harry asked for colors that directly matched mine.
I walk over to Harry, wrapping my arm around him and looking over his shoulder at all of the wedding bands that the man had set out along our counter top. He picks up a holder with about five in it and inspects all of them up close. He sets it down and picks up another, which has rings with diamonds.
"So sparkle," I mumble into his shoulder. He laughs lightly, shaking his head at me. I watch curiously as he picks one out of the holder and slips it on his finger. I can't help but smile at this entire situation. We're getting his wedding band. We're getting married. I still couldn't believe it.
He takes the ring off and tries on a different one. I think he tries about ten before he turns to me. "What do you think, Ave?"
"I kinda like that one, personally," I point to one of the first one's he tried on.
"Go get your ring, babe."
I nod and set my coffee cup down on the counter before running upstairs to get it. I switch my promise ring out with the engagement ring and head back downstairs. Harry has got the ring I pointed to on and he grabs my hand as soon as I'm in reach. He puts my hand next to his and bites his lip as he inspects the ring on his own hand.

The Opening Act (H.S) {Completed - Editing}
FanfictionThe story of how Ava Mae joined One Direction for the On the Road Again Tour... and then became so much more than an opening act. disclaimer: wrote this when I was 16, it has some cringe moments. also, at the beginning of the story Ava is a minor b...