Niall and Alyson

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It was a cold day, just as boring as every other day.

I was lying in my bed with my phone reading stuff about One Direction. My mom just walked into my room saying were eating about an hour. When I went downstairs for dinner my mom was smiling at me. I sit down waiting for my pizza.

Mom:"Darling, I got some news for you, but first I'm very proud of you.''

I haven't heard that in a while.

'' So I know you wanted to go to Londen for you birthday.''

I saw here smile, I get off of my chair and give her a hug.

'' Thankyou so much mom!'' I said, walking back to my room. I called my Bestfriend,Liam.

''Liam, you never believe where I'm going, Londen!"

''That's amazing, when?''

''This saturday''

''We can meet,i'll introduce you to the other lads.'' He said.

I was just dreaming about meeting Niall cause I always had a weakness for him.

Saturday finally came, and we are on the plane to Londen.

'' Are you excited honey?"


I wasn't talking a lot, because I was so nervous meeting the other boys.

When we get out of the plane, Liam is standing there with Harry.

''Liam!'' I shouted.

He ran up to me and lift me up.

''Alyson, you look good! This is Harry'' Harry was waving at me, I did the same

''Hi i'm Alyson, nice to meet you''

We all went to the hotel. Mom told me I can go wherever I want, so Liam and Harry took me to their place.

''Guys,Alyson is here!''

The boys came out of the livingroom and give me a hug.

Suddenly I got a blue eyed boy in front of me.

''Hi, I'm Niall.'' He said with the cutest smile ever.

''Hi, I'm Al..Alyson'' You blushed.

The boys went to the kitchen for Dinner. ''Liam, why did you never introduce me to Alyson before, she's really cute.''

''Sorry mate, didn't know you were in to her.''

Dinner is ready so your walking towards the table when suddenly Niall holds your waist.. ''Your seat is next to mine.'' He said.

What you didn't know is that the boys always have food fights after dinner.

They were all trying to get you, except Niall.

He protected you, at the end you throw some cake to Niall.

''Oh yeah?" he ran after you but you slipped so he fell on top of you.

You were staring into eachothers eyes for like 5 minutes.

''Sorry'' he said helping you to get up.

You were both blushing.

'' Some chemistry in the room?" Louis said. '' Umh..''

That night Niall was flirting with you.

touching you, kisses on the cheek.

when everybody went to bed, you were still up so you went downstairs for some tea.

Niall suddenly stands behind you.

''Niall, u scared me''

''Sorry, wasn't supposed to do that'' He does your hair behind your ears. You can feel your heart beating.

'' We can go to a hotel, Alyson. If you want to.''

he takes your hand and you walk out of the door.

When you are in the hotel bedroom you're thinking about how you can be so lucky.

Niall comes in, with roomservice right behind him.


you heart is melting, he is so sweet.

After dinner you are lying in bed, thinking about today.

Niall walks into the room with a red rose.

He puts his arms around you and whispers in your ear '' What would you like to do.''

Is what he says with a naughty face.

he kisses you in your neck and that night you are making love.

Next morning you are so emberrased that you get out of the hotel, thinking about last night and why it isn't snowing already.

Niall running after you '' where are you going?''

'' Niall, I don't th..'' he puts his hand on your mouth

'' i love you '' he kisses you slowly and on that same moment it's starting to snow.

from now on you know that your meant to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2013 ⏰

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