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It was  a gorgeous morning. The radiant sun is shining and the dew drops are glistening against the grass. The world seemed peaceful and calm. 

Your eyes flutter open. You rubbed them and began setting yourself up on the bed. Stretching your arms out you look over to your lovely boyfriend Zen. 

"Aww~ he looks so cute and peaceful while hes asleep."

You get out of bed and head to the kitchen to prepare yourself some breakfast. You grab a pan and set it on the stove. Then you started to prepared some eggs and bacon. When the food was done cooking you took half and placed it on your plate. You saved the other half for Zen when he wakes up.

You walk over to the living room with food in hand. You turned on the TV and started watching your favorite series on Netflix. You were so enthralled in your show that you didn't realize how much time has passed.

"3:30!?" "How is Zen still asleep?" "He shouldn't be sleeping this long, it's not good for him."

You head over to the room to find Zen still fast asleep. 

"Zen!" "Wake up it's already passed 3:30."

But no reaction. Hes still soundly asleep. So you walk over to the bed and shake him on the shoulder.

"Hey!" "I said wake up."

Zen just grumbles and turns over.

"Why aren't you waking up?"

"It was a hard week and I just want to dream." Zen said tiredly. 

"It was a hard week for everyone." "And you have dreamed long enough." "Please just get up."

Zen just stayed in bed not replaying.

"Fine." "Be that way." "If wanna be difficult then so can I."

You jump on the the bed beside Zen.  Then you started jumping up and down like a child.

"Up!" "Up!" "Up!"

Little did you know that Zen was going to get up. But he was curious to see what you'll do and how long you'll go on until you give up. He wanted to play around with you a bit. 


So you decided to straddle his hips and started  jumping on his belly. But Zen stayed strong and kept quite, though he really wanted to push you off.  You got really frustrated. But you're not one to give up that easily. So you took the pillow next to you and started hitting him repeatedly. After a while he took the pillow and sat up with you still on his lap. 

"Oh so now you're gonna get up."

Zen smirked. "Lol nope." 

Zen  slammed his head back on to the pillow and and pretended to sleep. Smiling while he "sleeps." He just loves playing around with you sometimes. You smirked as well. You had an idea. You are still sitting on Zen's lap. Then so slowly lift up Zen's shirt and start smiling devilishly. Before Zen could even process what's happening you quickly run your fingers up and down his sides.

"Ahahaha!" "(y/n)!" "P-please!" "Hahah!" "S-Stop!"

"I don't know Zen." "I'm having too much fun~"

Zen was squaring under you but you held him down with your body. You start giggling too. You're having tons of fun. But Zen was much stronger then you. So in between laughs he grabbed you by the waist  and pushed you off of him. Then he went on top of you and pulled up your shirt to expose your belly. Zen started running his fingers along your sides. You tuned wide eyed.

"Z-Zen!" "Ahahaha!" "N-no please!" "hahaha" " Oh c-come on!" "hahah!"

"Whats wrong (Y/n)~?" "Giving up so soon?" That's not like you." Zen said smirking.

"I-I'm not!" "hahaha" "T-this is nothing!"

Upon hearing those words Zen started going faster and moving his hands around more. You tuned to your side clenching your stomach. Your laughing grow louder as he kept tickling you. Like you, he doesn't  give up so easily. Zen turned you back on to you back. Zen bent is head down to your bellybutton. Then he blew a HUGE raspberry!

"AHAHAHA!" "N-NO!" "haha!" "I-I give up!" I GIVE UP!!" 'hahahaha!" 

"As you wish my princess~" And he lifted his head up.

"I hate you so much..." You mumbled.

"Haha I love you to babe~!" "So now that I'm awake, what shall we do together~?" Zen said suggestively. 

You smirked and when up to his ear. "I really wanna see that beast you always talk about  Oppa~" 

Then you pushed Zen off of you and hopped off the bed. 

"But you're gonna have to catch me first!" "hahaha!" You exclaimed as you turned around and ran out of the room.

"Gosh shes so cute!" "But now (Y/n) is really provoking me~" Zen thought as he run out of the room after you. 

Soon You both started running around the house together laughing gleefully.

Authors Notes:
Thanks you reading my fanfiction! This my very first fanfiction I've ever publish online! So I'm sorry if its not that good. But I hoped you guys enjoyed it for what is is~ (◕ ꒳ ◕✿)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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