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the day in the life of cola

"waking up"
-subject wakes up at 7am
-stares at ceiling for 2 hours, before the biological mother wakes up subject
-subject pretends to be asleep
-biological mother sighs, and rolls curtains up
-subject cringes and recoils into blankets
-biological mother throws blanket off subject
-subject death stares biological mother

-biological mother cooks porridge
-subject complains that biological mother always cooks porridge
-biological mother tells subject that she likes porridge
-biological mother shoves bowl in front of subject
-subject eats slowly to annoy biological mother

-subject sits down at bench
-subject turns computer on
-subject types "moviestarplanet.com.au" into search bar
-subject logs in
-subject socialises with individuals who are also currently playing "moviestarplanet.com.au"
-subject receives message to log the hell onto "Skye" or die a slow, painful death
-subject logs onto Skype, and checks messages
-subject looks at memes that individual has sent
-subject smiles

"going to sleep"
-subject lies down on bed
-subject thinks about how horrible this world is
-subject wishes they were dead
-subject cries

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