Chapter 25: Indominus Vs. T. Rex

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A little short one 😅


The T. Rex. Its so massive- its just about to come out  of the paddock  I start to run- I extend my arm out for it to see the flare. This is such a bad idea- why did I agree to do this!  The T.rex roars right behind me- I don't know if this is bad or good. I reach back to the others- I threw the flare at the indomus- I ran towards a different direction, the T.rex followed the flare and spotted the indominus. I jump out of the way rolling on the floor- scrapping my arm.  Owen and claire had the boys with them- they look like they're gonna get stepped on. Owen looks my way.

(y/n)- " Run!"I shout to them.  Owen and the  group make out of the shelter they were at, the dinosuars attack each other- the T.Rex stumble, falling on top where they just were. It was losing. The indominus was about to declare victorious- distance barks were heard from afar. I look further down- Blue! Its alive! It came charging at the indominus attacking it. Owen,claire and the boys finally reached me. Owen got me back to my feet quickly- running from the dinosaurs who were getting close to us as they battle. We went through  another store going past all the souvenirs. If only I had time to take the stuffed triceratops, tempting. Blue came crashing infront of us- but went right back into the action. The T.rex and the indominus still at it, the T.rex grabbed by the neck- tossing it into a building- completely demolished  it.  Blue climbed onto the T.rex- jumping to the indominus going for the eyes. It shook off blue- the T.rex- rougly shoved the Indominus into the fence breaking it. It stood roaring at the the rest of them.  It roars so loudly - a wave of water came splashing- The mosasaurus came to shore  where the fence was broken. It grabbed the indominus by the neck pulling it back into th water. The mosasaurus bellowing in the water. The indominus is gone. There stood the T.rex and blue looking at each other- not going for each other. The T.rex starts to go off on its own. Blue looks towarsd owen- blue tilts its head, it doesn't know what to do. Owen nodes his head- blue starts to run away from us. I can hear its barks calling for the others.

(y/n)- " Its over" I sigh in relief. I put my arms on gray and zach pulling them into a hug.

(Owen)- " Let's  go home"

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