Chapter 26: What now?

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(time skip)

(y/n)- " Aghhh" The pain in my back stung.

(Medic)- " Sorry" My back was finally being patched up, the scratches around my body were just scrapes. I look to zach and gray they were resting heads on each other- claire was wrapped in a blanket. So many people waiting for a boat to arrive to head off the island- it should be arriving soon.

(gray)- " Does it hurt?"

(y/n)- " Not as much" I grin.

(zach)- " At least you'll head home with badass scars to remember" he laughs

(y/n)- " Yeah- right" I chuckle.

(claire)- " Hey- (y/n)" claire called my name to get my attention.

(claire)- " Thanks for taking care of my nephews" shes being nice to me, its odd but its nice.

(y/n)- " No problem- they're good kids, they're like brothers to me" Its true- if I had brothers- I would want zach and gray.

(medic)-" You're all done miss" the medic tapped my shoulder, a few stitches had to be put on my back. It was all good.

(claire)- " My God, it's your parents. It's your parents." claire stood up, the boys got up as their parents came with watery eyes. Their blonde haired mother- embraced gray and zach.

(mother)- "Are you okay? My Baby." she went over to claire and they hugged each other, it was a nice moment for them to reunite.

(gray)- " Mom, were okay- this is (y/n), she took care of us" gray introduced me to her mom.

(y/n)- " Hi--" she attacked me with a surpise hug.

(mother)- " Thank you for taking care of my boys" she had redd eyes.

(y/n)- " Like I told claire, I like them- we took care of each other"

(mother)- " You're welcome to come home with us"

(y/n)- " I'll keep that in mind"I was considering it.

(Cat)- " (y/n)!"  Is that cats voice! No way! I ran rushing towards her, we wrapped our arms around each other, oh my god! shes okay.

(y/n)- " Oh my god, Cat! You're okay!"

(cat)- " yeah! I got caught in the attack of those flying things- I managed to get somewhere safe." she had a few cuts and bruises.

(y/n)- " You were one of the lucky ones" I chuckle placing my hand on my back

(cat)- " At least you're alive- this trip turned out to be total shit"

(y/n)- " Remind me not to go on another vacation that involves dinosaurs."

(cat)- " Oh hey- Adrian's okay- he's over there. Just scrapes."

(y/n)- " Glad he's okay"  I look past Cat- Owen was in the distance helping some people out. I couldn't help but stare. He looks around- he caught me staring.

(y/n)- " I'll be right back" I past cat- I head over to Owen, who was waiting for me. As I'm getting closer- I feel nervous- why am I feeling nervous.   I approach Owen- he was grinning at me- why is he grinning?

(owen)- " Hey"

(y/n)- " Hey"

(Owen)- " Kids okay?"

(y/n)- " Yeah, they're with claire and their parents"

(Owen)- " thats good. I see you got you back patched"

(y/n)- " Yeah- had to get a couple stitches"

(Owen)- " You're a tough one, you can handle it"

(y/n)- " Me tough?" I chuckle

(Owen)- " What kind of woman jumps into the Raptor Paddock- and gets clawed by a hybrid dinosaur?"  Owen slyly gets a little closer to me.

(y/n)- " That woman would be me" I smile, getting cloer to him.

(Owen)- " You get into trouble a lot don't you?"

(y/n)- "I guess I'm full of surprises"

(Owen)- " Looks like I got my hands full"

(y/n)- " Probably"

(Owen)- " You know, we never finished what we started" he smiles, he is such a goodlooking guy, hes smooth.

(y/n)- "You're gonna have to remind me" He places his hand on my hip, pulling me closer to him- I look up to him, I close my eyes- tilting my head. Lips touching- Owen and I finally finished the kiss that gray interrupted. His lips were rough- but warm. I felt so overwhelmed,but in a good way. We both pulled away from the kiss- he places his forehead against mine, I chuckle- he shyly grins.

(y/n)- " So what happens now?"

(Owen)- " Probably stick together"

(y/n)- " I'd like that"

Another way out. [ Owen Grady x Reader ] (Vol. 1) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now