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One cold day in November I woke up to my cat, Sam, sitting on my face. I threw her off of me and on to the floor. It was light outside, but my alarm hadn't went off yet. I checked the time on my phone. It was 8:30! I was going to be late for first period!

I hurriedly yanked my favorite sweater off its hanger in my closet. In the process, it got caught on the hanger tearing a hole on the shoulder! I didn't have time to dig through my closet to find something else so I had to just put it on anyways. I threw on my Victoria’s Secret leggings and uggs also. I put my hair in a bun and was sad because I didn't have time to straighten it.

Upon leaving I took one last look in the mirror and gasped in horror when I saw it.

There was a slight tear on the seam of my leggings.

I realized it was now 8:45. First period starts at 9:05 and I still have to stop by Starbucks! I ran out too my car, not realizing how much it had rained the night before. I stepped in a huge puddle soaking both off my boots. No doubt that will leave water damage. I hopped in my car and headed to Starbucks. My anxiety started acting up and I hyperventilated.

I turned on the radio to calm down. I played my favorite station that played my favorite band, One Direction. The DJ was talking about breaking news so I listened.

“Breaking News! Popular band One Direction has split up for some unknown reason! We will be bringing you more details as we get them.”

Seriously?! My mouth dropped open. How could this be happening?! I couldn’t help but just bawl my eyes out.

When I walked into Starbucks the line was long and I was running late, but I could definitely not go a whole day without my Starbucks, I mean, I might die! So I waited in line. When it’s finally my turn I order the usual, a Pumpkin Spice Latte. This will hopefully make me feel a little better!

While walking out of Starbucks I opened the camera app on my iPhone so I could take a picture of my cup and Instagram it, but I noticed my name was spelled wrong! At this point I was extremely pissed. I got on twitter so I could tweet my frustration for Starbuck barista’s, my sadness about 1D, and complain about how terrible my day had been so far. When I opened my Twitter app it said:


I was so upset at this point I dropped my phone causing the screen to crack.

I picked it up crying. It wouldn’t turn on! How could I be having such a bad day? My favorite sweater and leggings got holes in them, my UGG’s were ruined, One Direction split up, I couldn’t post a picture of my cup on Instagram, Twitter is not working, and NOW my phones broken! Could this day get any worse?!

After picking up what was left of my iPhone I started sprinting back to my car. The last thing I needed today was to be late to class, I already have 2 tardy’s this semester and if I get another one I get detention for 2 weeks!

I completely forgot that it had snowed last night and that there were patches of ice everywhere. I slipped falling to my butt. Wait-where did my Starbucks go? I looked all around when I finally saw it. It was about 5 feet away from me and completely spilled everywhere.

I closed my eyes and screamed at the top of my lungs. When opened my eyes everything around me was black. Suddenly the lights turned on and my roommate Megan came into view.

I was in my room.

“Emma! Why are you screaming? Holy shit you almost gave me a heart attack!”


I have never had a more terrifying dream.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2013 ⏰

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