Chapter 29: Bill's Backup

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Dipper's POV

Wendy and I watched as the paramedics placed Mabel on the stretcher and rolled her into the ambulance.

The paramedic sighed, "Something is always going on in this town,"

"Will she be okay?" I sniffed.

The paramedic smiled at me, "She'll be fine,"

Wendy cut in, "And are the firefighters here yet? In case you forgot, we have two people stuck in there and a pig,"

"They'll be here soon," The paramedic rubbed his forehead, "How'd this even happen?"

"It was arson," I mumbled.

"Any idea who?" He asked.

"Nope," I said, "Just another mystery like everything else in this town," I sat down on the ground.

I heard sirens in the distance.

"Looks like they're almost here," The paramedic said.

Wendy rolled her eyes, "Obviously," she mumbled before walking away.

"Kid, you and the girl go ahead and get in the ambulance, we need to get you all checked out," He told me.

"But what about-"

"Don't worry about your uncles, they're getting help," He said as firefighters ran out of there truck and into the house.

I watched in fear as they fought against the destruction to save my family. Others began to put out the fire. I felt my eyes tear up a little bit.

Wendy stormed over, "I called my parents they can pick me up, I don't need an ambulance,"

"You barley made it out of a burning house Wendy," I interjected, "Aren't you slightly concerned if you're completely okay?"

"I'll be fine," She brushed off, "Right now, I just want to be at home,"

"Ma'am, I'm afraid you can't really do that, that'd be a risk to your health, "The paramedic said, "Tell your parents to meet us at the hospital and-"

"I said I want to be home," Wendy snapped, "Just- just leave me alone,"

I looked at Wendy. She seemed miserable. Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford meant a lot to her. They gave her a job and they were like a second family to her. This must really hurt her, just as much as it hurts me.

"Kid, let's go," The paramedic pushed me into the vehicle with Mabel and I watched Wendy as we drives away.

She didn't even wave.

Tom's POV

I kicked the nearby tree.

"Great job Tom," I growled.

I turned and began to walk. I honestly didn't know where I was going and didn't care. I just waited for the next thing Bill needed me to do. It could be anything, I don't care because I realized something now. If I don't get rid of Marco- no, if I don't get rid of anyone who is close to Star- I'll never get her.

I needed Bill now.

"Bill!" I called out.



Nothing again.

I sighed loudly before leaning back against a tree. I looked around having no clue of where I was whatsoever.

"Dang it," I said, "I'm lost,"

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a bell. I hit it with the ringer.

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