
300 15 6

Position Description

Reviewers provide you with a fair and honest review of your story. They will comment on the descriptions, dialogue, chapter structure, quality of the characters, realism of the characters, plot, and general interest of the story and more and may even provide you with certain tips on how to improve. They are not expected to spot spelling or grammar errors or to fix any part of your story. Depending on the reviewer, they may give your story and its components a rating on a 5 star scale, or a rating over 10. The reviews provided can be negative or positive.

Rules for Clients

- Bullying, harassment or any other form of assault will absolutely not be tolerated.

- In order to request s review, fill out the form provided. If the form is incomplete or incorrect, it will not be considered.

- The story you would like a review for must be posted on Wattpad. Stories from external sources will not be accepted.  

- The creator can reject any request with no explanation necessary.

- You may not undo the payment. It is not temporary.

- Please be patient with your reviewer. It may take a few days to complete the request. If they do not respond after five days, please contact an admin or a founder.

- If you have any complaints or praises, please leave them in the Complaints and Praises page. If you wish to leave a comment anonymously, you may PM it to the Circle of Writers team and they will post it with no mention of your name. 

Rules for Reviewers

- You must respond to every request that is made. If you do not, we will be alerted of this situation by the client(s).

- You must respond to the messages you receive from the team.

- If you are not going to be available for a certain amount of time, please let us know.

- If you wish to reject a request, you do not need to provide an explanation to the client, however please send one of the founders a message as to why you chose to reject the request. We will not reveal this information to the client.

- If a client is not obeying one of the rules, deny their request and contact the Head Reviewer.

- Complete your review in the amount of days you have chosen. If you cannot, for any reason, please inform the Head Reviewer.

- If one of the rules is not followed, you will receive a warning by private message. If a rule is not followed a second time, you will be removed from the staff of a Circle of Writers.

- If the Head Reviewer receives any complaints, questions that they cannot answer or sees that a review is not following the rules, he/she must contact an admin or founder. 

Rules are subject to change. 

Circle of Writers ReviewersWhere stories live. Discover now