Entry #5 - Broken

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   So many walk on the surface of this world broken and scarred. Bloody and bruised, now distrusting any who come their way. They push others away in hopes that they won't hurt them the way some have hurt them before.
   Our words matter so much, and so do our actions. We can either build someone up to be something beautiful or tear them down till they are nothing but a dusty memory.
   Sometimes words slip from our mouths without us meaning to, and afterwards, we realize how those words really sound. There are times when those moments haunt us for years.
   I once read a story about a girl. She was 8 years old and was bullied at her school. One day, she had had enough, and strangled herself to death with her jump rope, leaving behind a note for her older sister.
   It is in these moments that our words matter so so SO much! Someone may be dying inside, and one unkind comment can make up their minds to bring that blade to their skin.
   So today, I ask you, to speak life, encouragement, and kindness to all you meet.

Thoughts From A Christian Teenager (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now