Chapter 1

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My vision of Charlie is this cutie right here, Niclas Gillis

As the clouds crawled slowly across the darkening sky, Charlie stood at his bathroom mirror studying himself. He tousled his hair running his fingers through it before cupping the back of his neck looking at the hairstyle before shaking his head with a small frown tugging at the corner of his lips down ever so slightly. He left his hand drop down to rest on the edge of the cool, marble of the sink, turning his head to the left and back over to the right.

Ducking his head he raised his hand turning the taps to let the water flow. He cupped his hands letting the water form a small pool in his palms, flowing quickly out through the cracks between his fingers. Bringing his hands up fighting to keep as much water in them as possible he lowered his head some more, dumping the small pool of water into his hair pushing the stray hairs down.

Charlie raised his head the small refreshing excess droplets of water running down the back of his neck. Looking back up to the mirror through the tops of his lashes.

Charlie slowly picked his glasses up, slipping them onto his face just as his mother, Marlene, poked her head into the bathroom. Her brown hair freshly curled falling over her shoulder as she gave him her usual motherly smile.

Charlie looked over to his mother taking her in, she looked like she was going on a formal date not bringing him with her to go and meet her boyfriends sons for the first time. She gave him a once over her eyes lingering on his newly finished hairstyle. Giving a dissaproving shake of her head, pursing her lips, before stepping fully into the bathroom immediately pulling her fingers up and fussing over his hair picking at it pushing it into different positions.

"Mom" Charlie pushed her hands away whining, "I had a perfectly good hairstyle already ready" he tried reasoning with her, but she just bounced back, smacking his hands away opening the drawer to her right shuffling around in it producing a small bottle of hair gel.

"Oh shush" she chided opening the cap of the bottle placing some gel on her fingertips. "It is a bedhead, and I will not have my son looking like trash tonight" Charlie sighed loudly slumping letting his mother coax his hair into place. Charlie felt amusement lace through him as he looked at his mother. Her eyes were surrounded by light make up, her eyeliner perfect as always with wings on the end. Charlie crossed his arms raising an eyebrow. He never understood a girls need to wear makeup all the time when they were perfect without it on. Marlene just gave Charlie a pointed look at his smile he was sneakily trying to hide from her.

"Mom, I look like trash everyday then. Besides if Paul truly loves you, he won't care what you and i will look like everyday anyways" Charlie tapped his temple gently to enhance his point that he could use his brain. Marlene, let out a small, light, laugh, but didn't stop tinkering with his hair. Charlie gave up the fight knowing his argument was invalid with her being his mother, Marlene, gave a happy smile finishing his hair and taking a step back admiring her handiwork.

Charlie, gave his mom a smile, he had never thought after they lost his dad that she would find another guy just for her that would love and cherish her as much as his father had. Now here she was excitedly getting him ready to meet the mysterious man who had stolen his dainty mother's heart in just a short year. Paul Bronson, a large Italian man, from what his mother constantly bragged about to her friends at the bookclub she went to every Tuesday. Sometimes managing with glee to sometimes drag him along with her, when she where making him talk to the old ladies there that would try and hook him up with their granddaughter's.

From his knowledge, Paul had six sons from two previous marriages. They all lived together in a house that could fit his mom and his tiny house into the front entrance. He had never met any of them or Paul. His mother had wanted it to be special for all of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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