Day 1

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I was normal. I really was. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I don't think I killed anyone. I should know if I killed someone. They all hate me. They say I can't be trusted. But I'm not the only one. I'm surrounded by people like me. They say that we want to hurt them. They say they won't hurt us. They lied. They want us dead. But they can't just put a bullet through our heads, that's too fast, too simple, they have to send us to a killzone with no way out. There's no safe haven. The people sitting next to me are goners, at least I won't die alone. At least I won't be alone. I think I won't be alone. I hope I won't be alone. I'm only a girl. I won't even live for my tenth birthday. I will never hit double-digits. I will never see my mom, my dad, my baby brother again. I will never be able to look into someone's eyes and think that they won't kill me. I used to be the happiest nine year old in the world. Now I'm a death-threat. I'm a goner. I'm going to have to fight for every single breath. But I'm not like everyone else. I'm not even close. I can run faster than anyone. I can hear their thoughts. I need to find out what is wrong with me. They could find a cure for us, but they want us dead. They don't want anything to do with us.

They act like we're freaking aliens! But we're just humans.

We're human, we just have supernatural abilities.
"Samantha Carty?" A man calls.

It's time. Time for the end of my life. The end of fourty-nine lives. Possibly the end of the world.

Samantha Carty will not be a nine-year-old girl anymore she will leave or die as a woman who fought for her life. I'm slowly walking through the doors that determine my future. Sadly, somewhere deep inside me I know I will never exit the doors. You have to be their favorite you have to do anything and everything to win. Most importantly you have to win against fourty-nine other people.

It's time for the end. I won't go down without a fight.

-------time skip to when she gets to the fight place-----------

I didn't know it then but going down without a fight is the thing that motivates me most. I need to survive. I have to survive. It's hard when people with supernatural abilities want to kill you. But it's a promise that I can't break.

I take in my surrounds of a soon-to-be-graveyard. It looks like woods in winter. Snow flakes flutter from the ground and sparkle because of the sun. The snow will be bad. Footprints will show. Many people will die because of frost bite. I need someone to help me. I need an alliance with someone. I can't live alone.

I can't fight someone, though.
It would be foolish, my abilities are only mind reading and super speed. I'm a goner without a partner.

Two years ago, the government loved little seven-year-old Samantha with her freckled cheeks and nose, her pig tails, her flower crown was the one that stood out the most to them.

What happened? She played tag with her best friend, Jennie the governor's daughter, and she ran with super speed accidently. The governor saw everything she grabbed Jennie away from me and jammed her index finger in my shoulder. "They're going to love you." She spoke coldly. I still wear a flower crown and pigtails. I have to show them the girl who they desired. The girl who was going to have a successful future. Now they want me, Samantha Carty, to kill. They threw me in a soon-to-be-graveyard. Graveyard sounds like the right word. Today fifty people are going into a future graveyard. Soon one person will get out alive, but be known as a monster.

They didn't give us any food. Most people can adapt to that. But being someone who was always surrounded by people from the government, I was never hungry. The only useful thing I know about survival is that you can eat tree bark and some plants. I won't survive long. They'll come for me, because I'm weak. A nine year old can't kill someone. Suddenly, someone's thoughts burst into my head, which mean that they are a couple of meters away from me. I climb up a tree and try to find out their plan.

That idiot why did I even decide to be allies with him? Oh yeah, because my sister MY baby sister was taken away from me and was told I never existed that she never had a sister! The government took her when she was only a baby. She can't survive here, she'll die of thirst, or hypothermia or someone can just kill her, she should be only around nine or ten so maybe she can find a place to survive a little while. Yeah that'll work. I need to find her. I need to find my sister that was taken away from me. She has to survive. I need to find Samantha Carty. And I need to keep her alive.

What the person says shocks me for so long that I actually fell from the tree I was hiding in and gave away my hiding spot immediately.

The sound of sticks breaking and leaves crunching fill the air. Yet, I can't move I'm paralyzed.

Oh no, she's dead Kate will freak out. But who wouldn't she never even got to meet her sister and now when she found her, she's gone. Just great! Maybe I can heal her. It'll be worth a shot but it wouldn't if she's dead. OH MY GOSH KATE'S COMING I BETTER HEAL THE POOR FLOWER CROWN GIRL.

The idiot won't stop rambling. But hey, at least he'll be able to heal me since I'm not dead! And maybe these people are who they say they are. I could run away from them. Good back up plan! Just being around this idiot makes me sound like one! I want to move but I can't. Am I dead yet? Probably just close to dead. Maybe I'll live. I might if the stranger can pull it off. If he doesn't both of us will die, if my 'sister' isn't a lie she would probably kill him. As long as I'll live, I'll be good.

Everything seems so quiet. Nothing roams around in here. Birds would die in the winter cold, probably how I'll die if this doesn't kill me, so what other animals are there? Artic foxes and polar bears are the only animals I know of that don't hibernate during winter. At once, I gain the power to open my eyes. When I realize that I'm raped in a blanket and my head is on a pillow I shoot up. "Hey! Kate! She's.... she's up! You were right!" I look over to see the guy who saved my life.

It's a miracle! He thinks.

"Where am I? Why do I have a pillow and blanket?" I look around they have a nice fire. The boy has short brown, almost black, hair with blue eyes. His outfit is what surprises me most, he has a winter jacket, a hat, and I scarf! Where does he get this stuff?

"You're at our camp for today. You're sister, Kate, sixteen year old who put herself in here to make sure you live because you were taken away from her when you were a baby and you're her baby sister. She never even got to meet you, but she's not going to let you die. You're sister has the type of power to create anything that she can think of with her mind! It's honestly brilliant! That's how I got all this winter gear!" The guy seems too excited, but I guess it's exciting to still be living when a lot of people are dying.

"Where is she then?" I ask kind of ticked off. Seriously why can't this guy tell me where she is. If my sister is willing to do anything she can do to make sure I'm alive shouldn't the first step be, being with me?

"Right here." A scratchy voice says. She walks out from behind a tree. Her pale, white skin shines in the sunlight. She wears a coat, that doesn't look too thick, combat boots, and a sly smirk. "Have to say I didn't expect you to get into this much trouble Samie. Doesn't shock me too much, though, you are my sister. You really take a lot from me. My blond hair, my pale skin, my smile. You even have some of my personality. I'm proud. What ability do you have?"

"Why should I tell you? For all I know you're a lier. You will use me for my powers then you'll ditch me; kill me even. Why should I trust you?" I cross my arms as I try to look as intimidating as possible, it's pretty hard for a nine-year-old.

She purses her lips, "even if I was a lier which I'm not I'm much stronger than you. I strongly suggest you trust me. It breaks my heart to know that you don't remember me."

Those words made me think about trusting her. "I'll show you my abilities. If you promise you'll keep me alive."

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