Shoutouts (from rainbow08zz account)

35 6 15

namesaresohard thx for reading
ILoveBooks646 just thx
RauraKLMJizzie thx for all the good books you make
Iamthe1percent thx for being a fan
Rosie011 thx just thx I guess
Awesome_Awkward thx for um...
lilwriterpink luv your stories
AnnaCullens your one of my first readers! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Penguin_Bae_253 thx for the support in my book Jizzie the ship that last for enternity
And finally rainbow08zz myself I believe that I can find my password
Word count:72

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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