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He stood there. Feeling the wind flowing against his short brown hair, hoping it would take him away from all this mess. He took a deep breath and parted his lips twisting the silver ring on his left hand. He shivered slightly as he watched her talk to him without a care in the world, he listened. he listened closely to what she was saying and wondered about every single thing she was saying. He wondered how easy it was for to express herself. But him? he could never do that, he felt cold inside and outside of himself. He thought about the necks around his fingers as he suffocated their breathings. he thought about his mother, maybe if he wasn't like his father she would've been able to help him with his addiction. her absence in life made him feel alone, he had nothing left. He looked into her brown eyes.

"what's going on in your mind Justin?" she sighed. "you've been so distant lately"

her words echoing his mind. he thought about it. should I tell her? or should I push her away like the others.

No I can't. He thought to himself.

He sat on the grass.

He grabbed her left hand kissing
each knuckle slowly and lustfully.
He watched as she smiled down
at him.

She brushed her fingers slowly
against his long brown hair,
they were both quiet, a
comfortable quiet. not awkward.

"Selena, I want to ask you what
I mean to you. But I'm afraid
to know the answer" he stiffed.

"Do you know what your problem
is Justin? you can't live with
the idea that someone might
leave" she whispered slowly.

"everybody has a chapter
they don't want to read outloud"

"I'm always going to be there
for you, even if I'm the one
falling apart"

She sat down next to him, and leaned her head on my shoulder. He studied her black converse, how they were slowly loosing their color. He was loosing himself the same way. He laid his head down her lap and played with a strand of hair.

 He laid his head down her lap and played with a strand of hair

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Justin, I will try my hardest to make you happy. I know it will be a challenge, but mark my words. I will break through your dark hallways till I find your light switch" Selena smiled down at Justin looking into his eyes.

"I love you"

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