It Came to Me at Midnight

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Okeh... it is midnight and I'm bored... shooo I do this.

HEY IT'S YEMI! So I just thought of this whole "story" thing a little earlier today. It's more readers' choice. There's no plot to this. I have thought of NOTHING yet. This time, it's all about YOU! And a tiny bit about me.

So here's how this is gonna go: as you can already tell from the title, they are gonna be stories. They're more like one shots, though. Now this is where you, my lovelies, come in. In the comments, I'd like you to leave the title of a song along with the artist (ex. Story of My Life- One Direction). Whether or not I know this song will not matter because either way, I will listen to said song until I have memorized it. Please make sure the song you ask me to use has a message to it. I work best with love songs.

Once I fully know said song, I will write a one shot, kind of expressing the song into real life... or something. I dunno. If there's anything specific you'd like me to know (any characters you'd want me to add, whether the artist of said song should be in the one shot, etc.), just add it in your comment. Pretty simple, right? I will also put your user in the A/N and/or dedicate it to you so you can know that the one shot was for you. Also I'll write the lyrics to said song in the end of the one shot.

I'll also do a few spontaneous ones. If I find a song I really like, I'll write a one shot about it.

This is kind of a "just for fun" kind of thing. I'm not gonna work as hard on these as I would on my actual stories. Keep in mind I was bored when I thought of this, so things aren't really fully planned out yet.

Oh, one more thing. These one shots aren't meant for one certain audience. I want to be open to different kinds of readers and music. Any artist is accepted, any genre is fine. But mostly love.

Okeh, I'm gonna go to bed now. Goodnight my lovelies! I really hope you guys will like this. -Yummy xx

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