Introvert (ONE-SHOT)

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This is my Project in School. Decided to post it here. Enjoy.😄


He walked pass by so many students down the hallway heading for his classroom. He received a few criticizing looks but never bothered them. Instead, he sat down and pulled out his earphones, listened to his music, and transferred his gaze outside the window where he sat beside. Everyone’s busy discussing about their own personal lives while his mind wandered far. This is the life of Aleksander Silva. A certified introvert.

Meanwhile, a pretty petite girl with dark brown hair, entered the same classroom. She made a lot of good impressions despite the fact that it’s still her first day. She made friends so casually until she noticed Him at the back corner. This is Venice Sy. An outgoing type of person. She thought that he’s not overly attractive but somehow, she got curious by him. Everyone she knows at the moment told her to avoid him but she did the vice versa and approached him instead.

Later on, someone poked his arm so his head turned to the person. It was Venice smiling at him.

“Hi. I’m Venice. A transferee. Can we be friends?” she said cheerfully while extending her right hand for him to shake. He looked at it and up to her face. For a second his mind went blank before he shook his head and said “No.”

That day marked the beginning of them. Venice is the type of person who’s quite determined to get what she wants and at that time, for some unknown reason, she wanted to be friends with him. Days passed, she tried again and again to get closer to Aleksander but failed to do so. Aleksander keeps on walking away. If not, he disregards her presence. How cruel could that be? Not too cruel really, when destiny intervenes.

“Mr. Silva and Ms. Sy. I will assign the both of you on the topic ‘Introvert.’ Be sure to research on this very well.” The teacher said.

Venice smiled triumphantly and grinned at Aleksander, who’s frowning by the way. He doesn’t hate her; he just doesn’t need her company that’s all. Anyone’s company. He finds it useless to get close to anyone. They would never understand anyway.

“Here. You take pictures of the crowded people. They will be the extroverts. Then we’ll find a few people who are wandering alone and capture them. Okay? I’ll go there.” She said and walked a few feet away from him.

He nodded and roamed his camera around the crowded sea of people until he captured her face. He adjusted his lenses to take a better angle of her face. Venice is sitting on a bench talking to an old lady. She laughed with the lady and he clicked his camera right on time. When he looked again, she’s already looking. Venice smiled and waved happily. He turned his back, looked down at his camera, and smiled ever so slightly. She’s actually cute. He thought secretly.

A month passed by. Their friendship was slowly progressing. Aleksander now allows Venice to hang out with him whether it be in the library, classroom, or canteen. He often gives short side comments though Venice mostly does the talking, but it’s fine with her actually. She’s happy with their situation. For the very least.

“Alek! Alek! Alek!”

He raised an eyebrow at her.

“Can we take a picture together please? Just one, I promise.”



And a few more pleasing. “Fine.” He agreed unwillingly.

“Smile! In 3, 2,” and then she turned to the side and kissed his left cheek making his eyes go wide.


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