1: Welcome To Hell

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I sighed as I pushed the doors open to my new high school. The first thing I noticed was a giant tiger statue placed at the front entrance, I sighed it just screamed school spirit. I'm guessing sports is huge here at Titan High.

For first impressions this school was doing a lousy job at showing me they weren't stereotypical. But then again it's not like my old school was any different.

Me and my dad had moved to this town a few days ago because of a huge promotion my dad received from his work. He worked at a business firm, which is the only plausible reason for anyone to move from the beautiful state of California to...Atlanta. Now I'm not badmouthing Atlanta, I just would have preferred to stay. I mean my life was in Cali, but here I have nothing and I know no one.

But, apparently moving here meant more money for the both of us. I didn't really see the need though, because financially we were doing fine, but a little extra money couldn't hurt.

I guess.

Juggling my books in one arm I pulled my purse back onto my shoulder tightening the strap so it didn't fall again.

"Two lefts and then a right." I said to myself in the hopes that the directions to the main office were accurate. Pushing my hair back I maneuvered my way through the busy hallway filled with high school students and approached a huge office with double doors, leading into 3 separate rooms.

I tried to catch how the inside looked, but it was covered by large white blinds. I lifted my head higher trying to see what was written above it but failed because of the people Infront of me.

Grumbling to myself I sidestepped and pushed past them trying to make out the office label.

Administrations Office

Finally! I pushed my way through a few more students as the foyer became more and more crowded. I reached out for the door handle and pushed it open stumbling inside.

A soon as I entered I tripped over the rug and went flailing into the receptionists  desk. My head made contact with a rough desk, I heard a crack in the left corner of my head as I groaned pulling back, there would surely be a bruise the next morning.

I silently cursed as I heard someone clearing their throat. I lifted my head irritated with myself more than anything and found myself looking into a pair of soft hazel eyes. I made a sound of surprise as I took in his form.

He was probably about 5'11 seeing as his frame towered over me. His jet black hair was messily pushed back strands flying out, and his arms bulged when he pulled his bags strap higher onto his shoulder. His light blue sweater complemented his pale skin as it stuck to his arms emphasizing his biceps. My eyes went down to his toned legs all the way to his Nike sneakers.

I looked back into his eyes and saw him smiling as I quickly averted my gaze to the floor.

Was it obvious I was checking him out?

"Are you alright?" His melodic voice spoke.

"I...I...I..." But I couldn't speak. Like an idiot my mouth was hanging open but I couldn't muster up any words.

"If you can't speak I think you might have a cuncussion." He said worriedly reaching for my arm. He wrapped his hand around my elbow leading me to a seat in the corner, but as soon as he touched me I gasped feeling an electric shock from his touch.

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