Oli White... Love me (An Oli White fan fic)

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I had been in love with my best friend since we were in elementary school. But i never told him that. He really was a good friend and i didnt want to ruin our friend ship. I just wanted him to love me but i knew he never would. My friends name was Oli, and he was the most perfect boy you would ever meet. He had the face of an angel, a nice body, everything about him was perfect, and his smile lights up the whole room. I wish that i could tell him these things. He always complained that no one liked him and he would always be sad because he never had a girlfriend. I really wanted to just tell him that i loved him and then we could be together, but it wasnt that easy. Well all of this was especially hard because of my boyfriend Finn. It was even harder because Finn had been friends with Oli before I was, then when me and Finn started dating he didnt really talk to Oli anymore. I liked Finn, but I loved Oli. Finn and I have been dating for about three years now, we stated dating sophomore year and here we are now, senior year, getting ready to go to prom. Prom was a big deal to Finn, but i really didnt want to go to the dance with him. I really wanted to go with Oli. Finn was nothing like Oli, he was really full of himself and he wasnt really nice all of the time. Even though Finn and I were dating for three years, we never did anything together. The most we ever did was make out, Finn wanted to many times, but i knew i couldnt live with myself if i had sex with Finn even though i really loved Oli. Everyone says that prom night is the best night and that everyone has sex after prom. I was nervous because if Finn wanted to i feel like i kind of have to because its prom and everyone does it. I just wish that i could go to prom with Oli and actually enjoy myself and have the time of my life, but i knew that it didnt work that way. Prom was only three days away and Finn had already asked me. I guess i was just going to have to go with Finn. I keep thinking about ways that i can break up with Finn, but i dont think that i can ever actually break up with him. I just think about how i would feel and i realize that i shouldnt break up with him. Finn is so nice to me and he has been the best boyfriend for the past three years, but i really love Oli. Well i have some big decisions to make, prom on Saturday, then graduation in a month. I really have to make some big life decisions and i dont have any clue what im going to do.

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