The Beginning

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Author's Note.

I have never watched Big Hero 6 completely, I have watched parts with my niece but never finished watching it.

" Hello, I am Baymax. I am you personal health care companion. Please enter patients name, gender, age and please fill this form so that the patients information can be stored in my data files."  A screen emerges from Baymax's chest,  Hiro walked over to the giant air filled machine and writes in the information.

Name: Hiro Hamada
Gender: Male
Age : 14

Hiro wrote the information in, completely unaware that next to age were the words 'in months' in smaller writing.

"Thank you for imputing the useful information. Now Hiro, will you let me check your diaper?"

Hiro's expression changed from sadness to shock, he stepped back and felt the wall behind him. Baymax stepped towards him and picked him up, cradling in his arms, Hiro starts fighting and pushing against Baymax's air body, Baymax starts rocking Hiro from side to side.

Baymax pulled Hiro's pants down along with his underwear, he feels Hiro's 'privates' thinking they wer a diaper.

"You are not wearing a diaper, let's get you in one before you have an accident"
Baymax measures Hiro's thin waist and produces a diaper, virtually out of thin air and lays Hiro down on his bed.

Hiro starts kicking and punching Baymax, Baymax just proceeds to unfold the diaper and places it under Hiro's bottom he quickly tapes up the diaper and places his pants back onto him. Hiro's eyes start welling up with tears, he sniffles and stares at Baymax baffled,  he really hated it when his brother and Aunt Cas treated him like a baby when he was younger, now he would be treated, dressed and having to basically be a baby.

He hated it and would fight it, even if he would be force fed by baby spoon and baby food or ( god forbid) baby bottles of formula or worse breast milk.

Baymax lifted Hiro back up and carried him in one arm while grabbing something out of the emergency childcare kit in a secret compartment in his back, Baymax pulls out a baby bottle filled with what Hiro thought was milk.

" Baby are you hungry,  maybe a nice boc-boc will make baby feel sleepy for his nice long nap."

The bottle was gently forced into Hiro's mouth, Hiro, yet again, fought the bottle,  trying to stop the sweet warm drink from entering his mouth. The bottle finally entered Hiro's mouth,  he had no choice but to drink the white liquid.  It tasted sweet and creamy as it flowed into Hiro's mouth,  although it tasted sweet it had a slight weird flavour.
As Hiro was drinking the bottle, he started to feel very tired,  he had barely finished the bottle before he was asleep in Baymax's arms, Baymax lay Hiro down in his bed and covered him with the blanket. 

When Hiro woke up, he went searching for Baymax but couldn't find him.  He walked into his aunts shop and spots Baymax walking back into the shop carrying lots of bags. His aunt Cas spots Hiro and walks over to him.

"Is this one of your inventions? " She smells a foul stench from Hiro but just ignored it, she remembers the smell from when Hiro had just went to live with his aunt in San Fransokyo, he was three years old and was still in diapers, she hated changing Hiro's dirty diapers. Now she could smell one as well. She starts pointing to Baymax who was walking up to the stairs leading to the apartment above the shop.

"No, it's...its Tadashi's" Hiro runs up the stairs and into his bedroom before Baymax notices him, Cas watches her nephew run up the stairs and spots the top of a diaper peaking out of his pants. He hides under the bed curled up in a ball.  He saw Baymax's feet as he opened the door,he put the shopping down and lifted up the bed with one hand,  he reached towards Hiro with his free hand and picked him up, Baymax puts the bed down and lays Hiro down on it, Baymax pulls a pacifier out of a bag and pushes it into Hiro's mouth,  Hiro tried to move but he couldn't.  The pacifier paralysed him.

Baymax pulled a playpen out of a bag and set it up in Tadashi's part of the room, Baymax lay Hiro down in the playpen then lifted up the bed and carefully placed it on top of Tadashi's bed for more space. 

Big Hero 6 Diaper Fiction  Hiro HamadaWhere stories live. Discover now