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Chapter 1

It was the middle of the night. I was awakened by a loud run of strong cuss words. It of course was my mother and father fighting again late at night believing I couldn't hear what they said, but the fact was I could hear every word of what they where saying.

Making my way out of my first floor window I gently let my feet touch the wonderful soft and silky sand of the beach we owned. Walking slowly letting every step I take sink deep into the sand, I Quietly made my way to the shore. To tell the truth I haven't been here in years. Let alone on the beach alone at night. Though still all I could think about was getting in that water away from the loud crashing and booming of my mother's and father's voices.

Slowly but surely I began to get closer and closer to the edge of the water. The closer I got the more I felt somebody watching me. Then the more I felt somebody watching me the more I wanted to get under water.

 The thing I noticed most about the feeling as time went by, was that it was not coming from behind, so I knew that it couln't have been mother or father looking out to see what I was doing. No, it was coming from infront of me looking up at my face.

Then out of nowwhere my mothers voice came booming "Clarie!" At first I believed I was being caught but I was smart enough to stop and keep listening. ''So this is what this is about you want her to yourself, you don't believe I can take care of her!"

I let out I loud sigh of relief, but as I did so I felt a chill run down my spine almost as if something nice almost sweet was urging me into the water. So of course, doing the most retarded thing a girl could do, I rushed into the clear ocean.

 Letting myself loosen and calm down, I began to float not knowing what direction I was pointing to or where I was going. Then all of a sudden I felt a soft tug on my arm. So soft you could barely feel it, but apparently so strong it could pull you under water in a second.

That's exactly what it did. Once I was under the dark cold water I instantly felt like I was blind. I could barley see right in front of me. Then. As I regained memory of what happened I began to breath deeply. Yes. I did say breath. It was almost as if when I was inhaling someone was exhaling right in my face, oxygen instead of carbon dioxide.

All I new was that what ever It was wanted to see me and new I wanted to see it. Right whenever I was beginning to slowly calm down, a face appeared out of no where right in front of mine. It was a boys face. Sweet and kind with a nice large smile reaching from one ear to the other.

He seamed happy to see me even though I had never laid my eyes on him before. There was also something every strange about this boy. His eyes where very large for, well.... a human beings. Though very large and kind of freaky they where the darkest blue green you could ever see. Almost the color of the ocean on a night like tonight.

Still the only thing that would make things creepier where if his eyes where to big for his head, but they wheren't and his head didn't look abnormal sized anyway so he kind of just looked like any other blue eyed boy with really big eyes would .

 The only thing I was really wondering about was why the hell was he looking at me the way he was?Also where the heckwas the rest of his body, all I could really see was his head?

Then almost as if on timing a hand came out of completely no where, just to touch my face.

It took me completely of guard.

I started to toss and turn like I was about to roll over and die. Which I was by the way. It was now I fact that he was the source of my air. Once my face dramatically moved away from his, my lungs instantly started to feel like they where going to burst. He himself started to panic too knowing I was ether going to faint or die without his help. Still I didn't stop.

SO, I continued to panic uncontrollably. He tried to calm me, he tried to settle me down but I wouldn't coroperate, and the more he tried to calm me the more I tackled and squirmed, and the more I tackled and squirmed the more air I lost.

Then finally after what felt like an hour of over whelming shock, gasping for air, and panic, I finally fainted.


I woke up this morning, tired and in shock for a reason I didn't know. Then I remembered the boy with the huge sea blue eyes. As I looked around at my surroundings I noticed I was on the beach. So close to the water that if it where only a few inches closer to me I would have been sucked into sea.

Though the thing that I payed attention to the most was the feeling of something watching me.It was him. I new it. I new it because it was the same watching feeling I had last night. The same pair of eyes that watched me as I stepped into the water.

The same pair of eyes that looked strate into mine as he was my oxygen source for what felt like almost an hour.  The same pair of eyes that must have saved me from drowning that night, and I was determined to find out who they where owned by.

Even though I was determined I was still a human being, meaning I had to eat. So even when not wanting to, I got up from my cool place on the sand to face the anger and terror that awaited me back at home.

Slowly and unsure, I made my way back home stopping in front of the all white three story house that can no longer be called a home.

My mother and father waiting for me impatiently on the front porch, there eyes staring deep into me like they where reading my mind, figuring out why I had snuck out in the first place. Then giving up once no answer came out just to try it all again. I took my time getting to the porch, walking as slowly as I could then, stopped at the stairs. To tell the truth, I was afraid to meet there gaze. They where to busy staring me down with confusion, question and criticism to really be concerned about me.

Though even if they wheren't really concerened about me, even if they just couldn't wait tell I got older so I could get out of there house so they wouldn't have to look at me any longer. I chose to keep my head down, not make eye contact, and believe that they would understand, that they would keep loving me through what every happened.


Mean while In the bushes, A long haired boy sat dirty and lonely on the sand thinking about what he did wrong. 

Running back throgh everything that happened, replaying it, and trying to see what he shouldn't have done. Had I hurt her when pulling her down, He thought, no she would have reacted way before she did. So if thats not it. What did I do?

He thought and he thought, but he couldn't think of an answer. All he wanted was a friend. someone to talk to and play with after all the years of him being by himself on the cold wet beach. He had nowhere to go and he believed that the girl would be the one thing he needed, the one person that could make everything okay.

NOOOOO, he had to go mess things up. He threw a rock at the all white house infront of him, not caring if the people living in it heard not even the girl.


HELLO!!!!!!!!!! This is my first book as StuckInASweetComa. I'm not going to tell you who I was and people that know PLEASE dont tell. I just want a clean start.

But anyway, I have to tell you now that these chapters are going to be very small. Though what can I say. Its hard to make very very long chapters these days and keeping it interesting, right?

Vote~Fan~AND I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!

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