Who is this irresistible creature?

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Who is this irresistible creature sitting all alone?
She looks so broken but she seems so at home...

I am young and people tell me i don't know what being in love is. Fuck those people. I know what i felt in my heart...and i will always feel that way.
I met this girl, almost a year ago we started dating. She was my first real girlfriend and i was head-over-heels in love, i absolutely adored this girl. Over the many months we were together...i learned so much about her. I knew all her secrets and all her worries, she had a hard life. I felt helpless because i couldn't change the way she had been treated. I tried my best to be her knight in shining armour and save her from the demons inside...but she was lost in a sea of dark thoughts and bad dreams where the demons roamed and tortured my poor baby...

Ill admit, she hurt me. She cheated. She lied. She exposed my deepest secrets. But i forgave her... Every single time.
On valentines day i spent all of the small amount of money i had to buy her a gift, i gave it to her and she cried and hugged me, one of my happiest memories. Although...a week later she dumped me for the another cuter boy at school. I was shattered. All of a sudden i found out what it felt like to be broken...into a million peices. Sprayed in all directions across the hard-wood floor.
But she wasn't there...she wasn't there like i was. I would always be there to fix her when she needed me...i needed her to fix me now, only she was the one who broke me in the first place.
Now i have to watch on as my living dead princess is carried away in his arms. I lost my zombie queen, and she'll never know how i even felt...

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