You're Finally Home

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"Mr. Gabe can we please move closer?" You asked cautiously to your step father.

"No I don't want to lose you in the crowd. People would think I'm the bad guy for losing you in a crowd like this." he said.

You hated your step father. He abused you in ways others didn't understand and he always made you call him Mr because he hates when you call him dad. Your mother died when you were young and Gabe was supposed to look after you. Right now, you are in the crowd at the Lone Ranger premier to see Johnny Depp up close.

"Gabe please-"

"What did I say about Mr! Your supposed to call me Mr!" He interrupted.

"Hey man, you need to be nice to your daughter here" says a tall, fairly young gentleman standing behind you. Gabe ignores him and pulls you off, away from the crowd.

"Mr you told me we could see him!" you yell pulling in the opposite direction. He is too strong for you and he yanks you to the ground. You try to stand up but he pushes you back down again. You manage to squeak, "Mr please... not in public" with your hands covering your face. He pulls his right hand above his head and thrusts it down toward your face. You quickly turn out of the way and his fist hits the concrete. As he howls in pain, you scramble to your feet and take off into the crowd. You squirm through each and every person saying "excuse me" trying not to sound too frightened to catch anyones attention.

You can faintly hear Gabe's voice yelling for you. he doesn't sound happy. You pause to see where you are but it's hard because you are shorter than everyone in the crowd. You hear Gabe getting closer so you take off again ignoring the fact you are pushing people without saying 'excuse me' anymore. Your heart race increases faster and faster as you begin to hear loud screams of teenage girls.

Suddenly, out of no where, Gabe grabs your shoulder and says menacingly, "Think you can escape me eh?" he jerks you to face him and he punches you straight in the eye. You feel your eye swelling and throbbing.

The people that were standing around you were now screaming and backing away. Some tried to help but Gabe pulled out his hand gun he always carried for emergencies. He pulls you toward him and twists you to face the crowd.

He yells "if anyone takes a step I will blow a hole straight through her head!"

You think to yourself I've never seen him like this before.. normally when I forget to say Mr he slaps me and moves on.. why is he so upset now?

No one around you moves. You hear police cars in the background and against your back you feel Gabe's heart pounding harder and harder.

Suddenly you hear a voice behind you say "let her go." Before Gabe could turn around to see who it is, you realize immediately. It's Johnny Depp.

"Oh look if it isn't my step daughter's heart throb" Gabe says sarcastically. You can't help but blush even in this bad of a situation.

"Don't make me say it again" Johnny says, his voice became deep.

Gabe drops you and points the gun at Johnny. You manage to turn in time to see what was happening. Johnny, his deep voice gone, says "now put the gun down before anyone gets hurt" You can tell Gabe was thinking about it because he slowly started lowering his gun but something must have clicked because instead, he started running full speed at Johnny. You sit there in full amazement as Gabe holds out his gun toward Johnny's right side and before he can shoot, Johnny grabs his arm, flips him over his shoulder and Gabe smashes his back against the ground. You laugh as you realize it's the move Johnny used in The Lone Ranger.

Johnny walks toward you and you feel embarrassed as you see your step father being carried away into the police car with cuffs around his wrists.

Johnny kneels down and asks softly, "are you alright?"

You grab your swollen eye and say "yes, yes I'm fine" even when you know it's a lie and you can tell Johnny knows too.

When you try to stand up your knees buckle and you fall back down. Johnny helps you up and he carries you to his private car. Paparazzi and fans are astonished and forgot to capture the whole thing. Johnny props you up in the back of his car and he sits down beside you, holding your hand. Once the driver gets in, Johnny tells him to go to his house immediately. You suddenly feel drowsy and fall asleep.

you wake up in Johnny's lap, still in the back of the car. he is stroking your hair and he still thinks you're asleep.You shuffle to give him a sign you're awake. When he notices you ask, "how long have I been out?"

"Oh a while now" Johnny says with a grin on his face.

You sit up and you feel a sudden rush of blood drop from your head, you hold your head upright to stay steady. Johnny catches you and says nervously "are you ok?" And you say "yeah yeah of course, it's just a head rush I'll be fine." He let's go of you with a relived look on his face. You stare out the window, rethinking everything that just happened that day.

A few hours later, you finally arrive at his house. He gets out of his side of the car and comes around to yours to open your car door. You manage to get on your feet and walk normally. The driver parks the car as you step onto the front porch of his house. Johnny unlocks the door and waves his hand as a signal to invite you in. He tells you the Lily-rose and Jack are at their friends houses for the next two days and you are welcome to stay for as long as you want.

You say "Thank you, but i couldn't possibly step in like this, you have so much work to do and I don't want to intrude on your kids.."

He laughs and says "no it's no problem at all, I am normally cooped up here anyway and Lily-rose and Jack certainly won't mind you being here."

You smile and blush. I can't believe I'm in Johnny's house you think to yourself.

"Thank you for.. For saving me back there.. I was just.. um.."

"Oh no need to thank me, love! But if it's ok to ask, who was he exactly? Was he your father?" he asks cautiously.

You tell him the whole story about how your mom died in a car crash when you were 8 and your step father, Gabe, was supposed to look after you, but instead, he abused you all these years. The look on Johnny's face stops you from saying anything more. Your heart begins to sink because you never really thought about your life like that.. You never actually told anyone your story. Your eyes begin to water and make streams down your face. Johnny quickly gets to your side and says everything is ok. You make a loud sniff and without thinking, you grab him and hug him tight and close. he doesn't resist, but hug you back. His warmth covers your body like a soft blanket and you know, you are finally home.

This story is edited:)

You're Finally Home (Johnny Depp fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now