One Night to Remember, One Night to Forget

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Fuck me.

Another one of these boring little preppy house parties full of boring snooty rich kids sipping their boring cocktails, complaining about their boring little privileged lives. Ugh, why did I let Mani convince me to tag along again tonight? Oh yeah, coz I'm the bestest best friend in the world, Lauren thought bitterly as she let herself be dragged by the arm by her best - no wait, correction, only friend -, towards the luxurious house. Pretentious, is what Lauren usually calls these mansions, along with the inhabitants living in it.

Okay fine, she's not really that selfless. She actually came here for the free booze, and boy was she promised a shit ton of it tonight, which was all she wanted and which is why she let herself get talked into this. So, as much as she hated these rich kid parties, she decided to suck it up for lack of better shit to do as she was for the third time this month been cancelled on by her girlfriend, if she could even rightfully call her that.

And Normani was well aware that Lauren has been moping, that's why she's been stringing her along all over the city, from one party to another, to distract her friend from the disappointment that her lover causes her everytime she calls her up to cancel on their weekend plans.

"Come on, bitch! Stop dragging your giant feet and let's party!" Normani sassily urged Lauren to walk faster.

"I swear to god, Mani, if all I see in there are lame ass eggnogs –"

"Have you seen the size of this damn house? I'm pretty sure they have a whole vineyard in their backyard so you can make your own wine."

"I don't want wine, I want the real shit." Lauren complained loudly.

Normani pursed her lips into a thin line. "Look, if you don't find the "real shit" in there, I promise I'll share my chicken wings with you for a whole week."

Lauren smiled widely, accepting Mani's rare offer of her favorite food.

"Whiny ass bitch." Normani grumbled as she flipped her hair in annoyance.

Rolling her eyes, Lauren took one final drag from her cigarette before throwing it on the gravel and crushing it with the heel of her boot, straightened her favorite leather jacket as she raked her hand through her hair which she has just dyed jet-black last night, with an intent of messing it up more than it already was. Yeah, she's a rebel like that. Fuck society and its obsession on shampoos and nice, well-maintained hair. Chaos is more beautiful. And with that thought, they both went in through the double doors, straight towards what Lauren considers 'social hell.'


"Camila! Are you listening? Helloooo!?" A drunken Taylor snapped her fingers in front of Camila's almost catatonic face, irritation evident on her expression at her friend's lack of enthusiasm on her announcement that she was officially dating Tom, that hot college guy she has been pining over for a month.

"Huh?" Camila blinked, taking a long sip from her glass.

"So Tom asked me to go to Tijuana with him next month, and I'm totes excited coz --"

"Wait, what happened to Calvin?"

Taylor groaned loudly. "Oh my god, where the hell have you been, I just told you I dumped him yesterday!"

"Oh okay, that's great, Tay-Tay. So happy for you." Camila said in a monotone, not even fully comprehending what her friend just said. To be honest, she has no intention on keeping up with Taylor's dating game anymore because it's giving her whiplash.

She was refilling her glass again, spilling some of it as she poured too much.

Her friends looked at her weirdly. "What's up with you, Mila? This is basically your party, at least pretend you're alive." Karlie slurred, obviously having had one too many tequila shots for her own good.

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